Nuxt Site - 500 Error On Dev Branch

Hi All,

I’m having some trouble getting up and running with CI with a new Nuxt JS site. At the moment, my Master branch and Dev branch are setup to deploy. Master is working fine, it is showing my very basic starter page. Dev, naturally, has a little more code (nothing too dramatic, mostly UI testing), but the deployed Dev branch won’t display anything, and returns a 500 error.

I’ve tried to clear the cache, and this is already my “minimal reproduction” version of my code. Running netlify build/dev locally seems to work great. I feel like it’s just so close to working!

Can anyone point me in the direction of a log, or a resource, on how to find out what’s happening here? Seeing as the builds are completing, the logs included aren’t much help. Here’s the links so I can illustrate what’s happening:

Master Branch:

Dev Branch:

Thanks for your time.


hey there! I’m looking at the function logs for the dev branch and seeing this error:

[500] Cannot find package '@iconify/vue' imported from /var/task/chunks/build/server.mjs

Can you confirm that package is properly installed (and pushed up to your remote VCS) on your dev branch as it on master?

Hi Marcus,

Thank you for looking into this and pointing me in the right direction - you were correct, I had a package missing. This is now resolved, and I will be sure to keep an eye on function logs in the future, should I ever have similar problems.

Much appreciated