Getting 500 error after Nuxt project deployment

Hi there!
I’ve been building my portfolio website on top of Nuxt for about a year or so and didn’t have much issue with deployments.

Just last week I made some tiny update to my repo and tried to deploy, and noticed no matter what I do, I keep getting a 500 error after the site is deployed.

There are no error logs anywhere, both locally or in Netlify deployment process.
I tried reverting back all my changes manually and even so the 500 error would still happen.
I also tried the netlify dev command and didn’t have see any errors. The site just works fine locally.
I also tried doing a npm run build and no issue were noticed.

The only way to fix it is to publish the last working deployment from the history (which is what I’m doing right now so I can avoid my site being down).

My Netlify/site name is:

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When I navigate to I’m not seeing any errors. Is this occurring on a specific page?

Hey, Yeah like I said earlier, I’ve published an old deployment (that works) so my website wouldn’t be down. If you want I can click the Deploy button right now and I’ll get a 500 error immediately. Do you need that to happen in order to investigate the problem? I thought you guys could see the problem on your side without actually bothering with my production site

No, you don’t need to deploy the broken version of the site. If you can provide a link to a deploy where this is happening, we can take a look.

Ah okay, here you go:

Thanks. The error is coming from your server function:

Nov 19, 09:48:24 AM: 7d89fe64 ERROR [nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] _createApp is not a function

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Thank you very much! I looked into it and apparently adding the vue-router to my dependencies list would solve the problem. Kinda weird cause I don’t directly use vue-router, but I guess something from Nuxt uses it under the hood.


Glad to hear you were able to resolve this!

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Could you share what was helpful in your case?
I have the same error message “_createApp is not a function”…

Hey! If you read my previous message I did mention adding vue-router to my dependencies resolved the issue. Hope that can help in your case as well.

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I ran into this same issue updating to Nuxt 3.14. Running npm install vue-router@4 and pushing the updated package.json and package-lock.json fixed the issue.


That worked for me as well. I checked what version of vue-router nuxt 3.13.2 was using and added that version as a dev dependency, and now Netlify is able to run the app. I had had the same error prior to implementing the hack ([nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] _createApp is not a function).