Node modules directory doesn't exist after deployment

Hi guys,
I am trying to deploy simple website, on my local server that I start with nodejs everything works fine.
I am ignoring node modules in my repo, and including package.json file.
I am only specifying my git repo inside build settings - as I understand there is no need to specify any build commend since npm install will run anyway then, right? And it looks like everything is working fine - when I put ‘ls’ command as build command in the logs I see node_modules directory generated, site deploys without errors, but then I see errors inside my console saying “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()” - there is no node_modules directory anymore, as if it somehow got deleted along the way. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong here, and didn’t find similar case on the web.
Link to the site: - you can also see package.json by going into /package.json link.
Hope you could help me with it

hey there, could you post a deploy log please?