No form is detected - no submissions are shown

Hi all,

I just tried this guide:
Add a Netlify-powered contact form to your Next.js page. I have form detection enabled. When I submit some data (real email) I get redirected to a success page, but in the Netlify Forms tab no form is detected and no submission is shown. I checked the documentation and didn’t find anything different than what is in the guide. Any ideas what is wrong?

netlify site name:

@netli The route that the form is posted to must be a static file route, not a route handled by Next.js.

The easiest way to do this is to:

  1. Have a static html version of the form so it gets detected easily by Netlify
  2. Post your form with ajax, to the same url as that static html form
  3. Handle the success message / redirect after submission

See this new information Netlify created to try and explain it:

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Thanks for the quick response!

I’m sorry to say, but that doesn’t work either. I have just deployed it here:

After I enter some data and press submit, I get a 403 error and there is no form detected in the forms. Form detection is enabled. Am I doing something wrong?

Almost certainly, since I’ve helped several people all get it going with Next just in the last few days.

You should double check everything, otherwise you can provide more details, link to your form etc, and I’ll be back in 30 minutes or so.

I just had to redeploy. It works fine now. Many thanks!

Excellent, it can be a bit tricky to line everything up so I’m glad it was so minor!

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