Hello everyone,
I’m have been scratching my head for 2 days, I went through a massive next update to 15rc + switch from commonJs to ESM.
Last error is to be able to build a nextjs 15rc application (works fine) and add the sitemap.xml from library next-sitemap.
It was working fine before updating to nextjs 15rc, but it somehow not work after updating.
Build is OK, no error thrown on build and on next-sitemap generation
3:12:33 PM: Netlify Build
3:12:33 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
3:12:33 PM:
3:12:33 PM: ❯ Version
3:12:33 PM: @netlify/build 29.56.1
3:12:33 PM:
3:12:33 PM: ❯ Flags
3:12:33 PM: accountId: 63b947ba70c532716df3f613
3:12:33 PM: baseRelDir: true
3:12:33 PM: buildId: 6755a8fcbb70110008d3b8a2
3:12:33 PM: deployId: 6755a8fcbb70110008d3b8a4
3:12:33 PM:
3:12:33 PM: ❯ Current directory
3:12:33 PM: /opt/build/repo
3:12:33 PM:
3:12:33 PM: ❯ Config file
3:12:33 PM: /opt/build/repo/netlify.toml
3:12:33 PM:
3:12:33 PM: ❯ Context
3:12:33 PM: branch-deploy
3:12:33 PM:
3:12:33 PM: ❯ Using Next.js Runtime - v5.8.1
3:12:35 PM: Next.js cache restored
3:12:35 PM:
3:12:35 PM: Build command from Netlify app
3:12:35 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
3:12:35 PM:
3:12:35 PM: $ yarn run build:stg
3:12:35 PM: yarn run v1.22.19
3:12:35 PM: $ env-cmd -f ./apps/front/.env.stg nx run front:build:stg && nx run front:sitemap:stg
3:12:38 PM: > nx run front:build:stg
3:12:40 PM: ▲ Next.js 15.0.3
3:12:40 PM: - Environments: .env
3:12:40 PM: Skipping linting
3:12:40 PM: Checking validity of types ...
3:12:47 PM: Creating an optimized production build ...
3:12:51 PM: ✓ Compiled successfully
3:12:51 PM: Collecting page data ...
3:12:55 PM: Generating static pages (0/50) ...
3:12:57 PM: Generating static pages (12/50)
3:12:58 PM: Generating static pages (24/50)
3:12:58 PM: Generating static pages (37/50)
3:12:58 PM: ✓ Generating static pages (50/50)
3:13:20 PM: Finalizing page optimization ...
3:13:20 PM: Collecting build traces ...
3:13:28 PM: Route (pages) Size First Load JS
3:13:28 PM: ┌ ● / 6.68 kB 201 kB
3:13:28 PM: ├ └ css/da3afaaf73d2fd04.css 1.09 kB
3:13:28 PM: ├ /_app 0 B 132 kB
3:13:28 PM: ├ ○ /404 3.54 kB 166 kB
3:13:28 PM: ├ ● /500 3.51 kB 166 kB
3:13:28 PM: ├ ● /blog 4.13 kB 166 kB
3:13:28 PM: ├ └ css/2720144f05a86372.css
3:13:28 PM: ├ ● /docs 1.98 kB 164 kB
3:13:28 PM: ├ ● /docs/[...slug] (15439 ms) 1.02 MB 1.2 MB
3:13:28 PM: ├ └ css/cd40b90687f00058.css
3:13:28 PM: ├ ├ /en/docs/installation (1586 ms)
3:13:28 PM: ├ ├ /fr/docs/installation (1586 ms)
3:13:28 PM: ├ ├ /en/docs/providers/list-of-functions (1586 ms)
3:13:28 PM: ├ ├ /fr/docs/providers/list-of-functions (1586 ms)
3:13:28 PM: ├ ├ /en/docs/set-up-binance-api-key (1586 ms)
3:13:28 PM: ├ ├ /fr/docs/set-up-binance-api-key (1585 ms)
3:13:28 PM: ├ └ [+17 more paths]
3:13:28 PM: ├ ● /legal/[slug] (4622 ms) 9.11 kB 204 kB
3:13:28 PM: ├ ├ /en/legal/cookie (773 ms)
3:13:28 PM: ├ ├ /fr/legal/cookie (770 ms)
3:13:28 PM: ├ ├ /en/legal/privacy (770 ms)
3:13:28 PM: ├ ├ /fr/legal/privacy (770 ms)
3:13:28 PM: ├ ├ /en/legal/term (770 ms)
3:13:28 PM: ├ └ /fr/legal/term (769 ms)
3:13:28 PM: └ ● /pricing 4.52 kB 167 kB
3:13:28 PM: └ css/f8b1eadaaa79cc61.css 913 B
3:13:28 PM: + First Load JS shared by all 167 kB
3:13:28 PM: ├ chunks/framework-b34def526800d0ea.js 57.5 kB
3:13:28 PM: ├ chunks/main-3edc4c227945276a.js 33.9 kB
3:13:28 PM: ├ chunks/pages/_app-cd377b53198a9e7b.js 40 kB
3:13:28 PM: ├ css/78e51ce34dc62636.css 34.3 kB
3:13:28 PM: └ other shared chunks (total) 984 B
3:13:28 PM: ○ (Static) prerendered as static content
3:13:28 PM: ● (SSG) prerendered as static HTML (uses getStaticProps)
3:13:28 PM: NX Successfully ran target build for project front
3:13:29 PM: > nx run front:sitemap:stg
3:13:29 PM: > env-cmd -f ./apps/front/.env.stg nx run front:sitemap
3:13:29 PM: > nx run front:sitemap
3:13:29 PM: > next-sitemap --config apps/front/next-sitemap.config.js
3:13:30 PM: ✨ [next-sitemap] Loading next-sitemap config: file:///opt/build/repo/apps/front/next-sitemap.config.js
3:13:30 PM: ✅ [next-sitemap] Generation completed
3:13:30 PM: ┌───────────────┬────────┐
3:13:30 PM: │ (index) │ Values │
3:13:30 PM: ├───────────────┼────────┤
3:13:30 PM: │ indexSitemaps │ 1 │
3:13:30 PM: │ sitemaps │ 1 │
3:13:30 PM: └───────────────┴────────┘
3:13:30 PM: -----------------------------------------------------
3:13:30 PM: -----------------------------------------------------
3:13:30 PM: ○ https://stg.linkyflow.com/sitemap.xml
3:13:30 PM: -----------------------------------------------------
3:13:30 PM: SITEMAPS
3:13:30 PM: -----------------------------------------------------
3:13:30 PM: ○ https://stg.linkyflow.com/sitemap-0.xml
3:13:30 PM: NX Successfully ran target sitemap for project front
3:13:30 PM: NX Successfully ran target sitemap for project front
3:13:30 PM: Done in 55.08s.
3:13:30 PM:
3:13:30 PM: (build.command completed in 55.2s)
3:13:32 PM: Next.js cache saved
3:13:32 PM: Next.js cache saved
3:13:34 PM:
3:13:34 PM: Functions bundling
3:13:34 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
3:13:34 PM:
3:13:34 PM: Packaging Functions from .netlify/functions-internal directory:
3:13:34 PM: - ___netlify-server-handler/___netlify-server-handler.mjs
3:13:34 PM:
3:13:39 PM:
3:13:39 PM: (Functions bundling completed in 5.1s)
3:13:40 PM:
3:14:05 PM: (Netlify Build completed in 1m 31.9s)
3:14:06 PM: Section completed: building
But when I look at the deploy directory (below the build), we cannot see the sitemap.xml.
When I look to previous build (next 13), the sitemap.xml file was present.
When I build locally, build is successful, sitemap.xml is correctly added to .next folder.
next-sitemap.config.js is
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
import fs from 'fs';
import graymatter from 'gray-matter';
const BLOG_CONTENT_DIR = './apps/front/content/blogs';
const allBlogFilePaths = fs.readdirSync(BLOG_CONTENT_DIR);
/** @type {import('next-sitemap').IConfig} */
export default {
siteUrl: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SITE_URL || 'http://localhost:4200',
generateRobotsTxt: true,
sourceDir: './dist/apps/front/.next',
outDir: './dist/apps/front/.next',
robotsTxtOptions: {
policies: [
userAgent: '*',
allow: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '/' : '',
disallow: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '' : '/',
transform: async (config, path) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const [_nothing, maybeLocale, ...rest] = path.split('/');
let locale = 'en';
let pathWithoutLocale;
if (['fr'].includes(maybeLocale)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
locale = maybeLocale;
pathWithoutLocale = [...rest].join('/');
} else {
pathWithoutLocale = [maybeLocale, ...rest].join('/');
let alternateRefs = [
href: `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SITE_URL}${pathWithoutLocale ? `/${pathWithoutLocale}` : ''}`,
hreflang: 'en',
hrefIsAbsolute: true,
href: `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SITE_URL}/fr${pathWithoutLocale ? `/${pathWithoutLocale}` : ''}`,
hreflang: 'fr',
hrefIsAbsolute: true,
const isBlogPost = path.includes('/blog/');
if (isBlogPost) {
const urlSplitted = path.split('/');
const blogPath = urlSplitted[urlSplitted.length - 1];
const idSlug = blogPath.split('-')[0];
const currentBlogFilePath = allBlogFilePaths.find((f) => f.split('-')[0] === idSlug);
const { data } = graymatter.read(`${BLOG_CONTENT_DIR}/${currentBlogFilePath}`, {
language: 'yaml',
alternateRefs = [];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
href: `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SITE_URL}${key !== 'en' ? '/' + key : ''}/blog/${value.slug}`,
hreflang: key,
hrefIsAbsolute: true,
return {
loc: path, // => this will be exported as http(s)://<config.siteUrl>/<path>
changefreq: config.changefreq,
priority: config.priority,
lastmod: config.autoLastmod ? new Date().toISOString() : undefined,
exclude: ['**/me*', '**/auth*', '**/legal*', '**/app*', '**/success', '**/404', '**/500'],
and netlify.toml is :
package = "@netlify/plugin-nextjs"
(not much here because i set the publish directory directly in netlify UI because of monorepo and stuff)
I really have no idea why it is not added in the ./dist/apps/front/.next folder, or if it is added and netlify somehow skip it.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks !