Netlify.toml [[redirects]] rules not working as expected

Hi, first off, love the service! Getting my hands dirty with it all of the time and learning a lot :+1:

I am however having trouble with some redirects rules that aren’t behaving as I would expect them to…

Expected behaviour:

Actual behaviour:

Page Not Found
Looks like you’ve followed a broken link or entered a URL that doesn’t exist on this site.
« Back to our site

Neither of the local paths (/client-portal.html and /client-portal) exist. I actually want both of these virtual paths to redirect to the same endpoint (eg. however for the purpose of trying to understand the current setup, I’ve explicitly defined different endpoints.

My complete netlify.toml file is included below. The site in question is Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

  base = "/"
  publish = "public/"
  command = "npm run deploy"

## prettify the page links
  from = "/tob.html"
  to = "/tob"
  status = 302
  force = true

  from = "/privacy.html"
  to = "/privacy"
  status = 302
  force = true

  from = "/cookies.html"
  to = "/cookies"
  status = 301
  force = true

## attempting to redirect from /client-portal.html 
## (and / or /client-portal) to the same external site
## but I've included different endpoints to see which 
## if any were successful
  from = "/client-portal.html"
  to = ""
  status = 301
  force = true

  from = "/client-portal"
  to = ""
  status = 302
  force = true

hi there, before we dig in, did you see this brand new guide on debugging redirects?

I strongly suggest you give it a thorough read through and see if this fixes your problem:

if not, please post again, and we’ll try and troubleshoot.