Netlify LFS Git-push is giving fatal:Authentication error

Hi I’m currently trying to link my Git LFS with netlify and I am following this page:

But when I try to push my repo I get this error in the terminal:

PS C:\Users\zimac\OneDrive\Desktop\New HushCrewProject\client> git push -u origin main
git: 'credential-netlify' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
git: 'credential-netlify' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
remote: No anonymous write access.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''

This is the Deploy Error of my application if it helps.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Found the solution - I had to disable the terminal authentication for Git to manually authenticate myself through the terminal

I followed the second answer to this post

Once I disabled the terminal authentication for Git, the terminal prompted me to login with my username and password.
As of August 13 2021, Git doesn’t take in personal passwords to login through terminal so you need to use a personal access token to login.

I used this link to generate mine:

Hope this helps anyone else that encounters this issue!