Netlify images does not accept encoded image src

Dear Netlify Support and Community

I am using Netlify Images CDN for my angular website. Unfortunately, angular encodes image URLs. That’s why the resulting url in my img elements’ src attribute looks like this:


unfortunately, netlify image cdn is not able to handle this. if i manually decode the url (resulting in this):


  • it works - how can i solve this?:

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Can you share a minimal reproduction in an Angular site that we can check?

Hi Hrishikesh

Thanks for your answer. Please excuse my long delay. I was in holidays.

I set up a new angular app with github repo (GitHub - DonCorleone/netlify-images) and netlify site ( just to demonstrate you the behavior. While doing this, i found a solution; Like mentioned in the Angular Dev-Docs:

one must use standard w3c compatible html attibutes:

alongside with the querystring - parameters as mentioned here:

then, it works!