I’ve been working to pull together a baseline SaaS boilerplate that utilizes -
- Netlify Identity for authentication
- SvelteKit for front-end and a basic backend api
- Stripe for subscriptions & billing
- Fauna (GraphQL) to store user data
The earlier code-shares here have been a big help; hopefully this can help others looking to do something similar –
Demo Site
- sign up and confirm as a new user
- login / logout
- retrieve lost password
- update email address
- update password
- manage subscription & billing method
- delete account
A few favorite parts…
1. JWT cookie-based authentication with elegant UX
2. Way to add custom Netlify functions alongside SvelteKit’s exported ‘render’ function
3. Configurable Svelte form components set, with browser-based validation
4. Configurable Modal & Notifications Svelte components
Modal - Demo, Code
Notifications - Demo, Code
5. Adding semantic colors into Tailwind utility classes