Netlify functions failing to bundle when deployed to netlify

This is just beyond me, running the netlify function locally using the netlify tool, no problem I can access it, but pushing to netlify, the bundling steps fails, cause “Unmet Dependencies”.

At this point I don’t what I am wrong maybe am missing something in my netlify.toml.

I using express and serverless-http to build up my netlify functions.

here this link to the reposistory GitHub - Void074/vodafone-api, this just a personal project for learning purposes.

Here’s the best documentation we have for you to follow to debug:

Pay special attention to the section about syncing versions between your local, and Netlify.

Thanks, for links and the help and have given them a read, guess I need to pay close attention to versions for the Node and pnpm, plus the version of modules that I am using.

So, today, I switch tried out the esbuild as the builder and the function did built without any issue, but a warning about express being a dynamic module (see image below)

I am still investigating this issue, I do realize that esbuild for javascript is still in beta as per the documentation, but I am able to see the the response when do a get request via insomnia. when I do add external_node_modules to my netlify toml, the function bundling falis

Tonight (well, Port Moresby time) I will definitely be taking a closer look at the version of packages, node and pnpm.

This looks kinda similar to your another thread: Expressjs not loading even after successful build

Indeed it is, is there are way to merge them? I really want to keep this information linked.

I’ll close this and the above link can point to the other thread, I’ll also add a link to this thread in the other one at the top (by editing your post).