My Netlify function has stopped the entire site from being deployed, seemingly out of nowhere because it was working well. While the site itself builds, this is what the log shows:
10:33:53 AM: build-image version: 0143b4617dd9b5b3faed2aefa29c54a846e69aae (focal)
10:33:53 AM: buildbot version: 24f7c9fcfdc0e642a0e84524831960fde1f386d1
10:33:53 AM: Building without cache
10:33:53 AM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
10:33:53 AM: No cached dependencies found. Cloning fresh repo
10:33:53 AM: git clone --filter=blob:none
10:33:53 AM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/refactor
10:33:54 AM: Custom functions path detected. Proceeding with the specified path: "netlify/my-functions"
10:33:55 AM: Starting to install dependencies
10:33:55 AM: Python version set to 3.8
10:33:55 AM: Attempting Ruby version 2.7.2, read from environment
10:33:56 AM: Using Ruby version 2.7.2
10:33:56 AM: Started restoring cached go cache
10:33:56 AM: Finished restoring cached go cache
10:33:57 AM: go version go1.19.13 linux/amd64
10:33:58 AM: Using PHP version 8.0
10:33:58 AM: v18.18.0 is already installed.
10:33:59 AM: Now using node v18.18.0 (npm v9.8.1)
10:33:59 AM: Enabling Node.js Corepack
10:33:59 AM: Started restoring cached build plugins
10:33:59 AM: Finished restoring cached build plugins
10:33:59 AM: Started restoring cached corepack dependencies
10:33:59 AM: Finished restoring cached corepack dependencies
10:33:59 AM: No pnpm workspaces detected
10:33:59 AM: Started restoring cached node modules
10:33:59 AM: Finished restoring cached node modules
10:33:59 AM: Installing npm packages using pnpm version 8.7.6
10:34:00 AM: Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped
10:34:00 AM: Progress: resolved 1, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0
10:34:00 AM: Packages: +369
10:34:00 AM: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10:34:01 AM: Progress: resolved 369, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0
10:34:02 AM: Progress: resolved 369, reused 0, downloaded 135, added 135
10:34:03 AM: Progress: resolved 369, reused 0, downloaded 366, added 365
10:34:03 AM: Progress: resolved 369, reused 0, downloaded 369, added 369, done
10:34:03 AM: WARN Failed to create bin at /opt/build/repo/node_modules/.pnpm/supabase@1.100.1/node_modules/supabase/node_modules/.bin/supabase. ENOENT: no such file or directory, open "/opt/build/repo/node_modules/.pnpm/supabase@1.100.1/node_modules/supabase/bin/supabase"
10:34:03 AM: .../es5-ext@0.10.62/node_modules/es5-ext postinstall$ node -e "try{require("./_postinstall")}catch(e){}" || exit 0
10:34:03 AM: .../node_modules/supabase postinstall$ node scripts/postinstall.js
10:34:03 AM: .../es5-ext@0.10.62/node_modules/es5-ext postinstall: Done
10:34:03 AM: .../node_modules/bufferutil install$ node-gyp-build
10:34:03 AM: .../node_modules/utf-8-validate install$ node-gyp-build
10:34:03 AM: .../node_modules/svelte-preprocess postinstall$ echo "[svelte-preprocess] Don"t forget to install the preprocessors packages that will be used: sass, stylus, less, postcss & postcss-load-config, coffeescript, pug, etc..."
10:34:04 AM: .../node_modules/supabase postinstall: Downloading
10:34:04 AM: .../node_modules/svelte-preprocess postinstall: [svelte-preprocess] Don"t forget to install the preprocessors packages that will be used: sass, stylus, less, postcss & postcss-load-config, coffeescript, pug, etc...
.../node_modules/svelte-preprocess postinstall: Done
10:34:04 AM: .../node_modules/bufferutil install: Done
10:34:04 AM: .../node_modules/utf-8-validate install: Done
10:34:04 AM: .../node_modules/supabase postinstall: Downloading
10:34:04 AM: .../node_modules/supabase postinstall: Checksum verified.
10:34:04 AM: .../node_modules/supabase postinstall: Installed Supabase CLI successfully
10:34:04 AM: .../node_modules/supabase postinstall: Done
10:34:04 AM: .../esbuild@0.18.20/node_modules/esbuild postinstall$ node install.js
10:34:04 AM: .../esbuild@0.19.4/node_modules/esbuild postinstall$ node install.js
10:34:04 AM: .../node_modules/workerd postinstall$ node install.js
10:34:04 AM: .../esbuild@0.18.20/node_modules/esbuild postinstall: Done
10:34:04 AM: .../esbuild@0.19.4/node_modules/esbuild postinstall: Done
10:34:04 AM: .../node_modules/msgpackr-extract install$ node-gyp-build-optional-packages
10:34:04 AM: .../node_modules/workerd postinstall: Done
10:34:04 AM: .../node_modules/msgpackr-extract install: Done
10:34:05 AM: .../node_modules/@sveltejs/kit postinstall$ node postinstall.js
10:34:05 AM: .../node_modules/@sveltejs/kit postinstall: Done
10:34:06 AM: dependencies:
10:34:06 AM: + @fontsource-variable/nunito 5.0.9
10:34:06 AM: + @fontsource-variable/nunito-sans 5.0.9
10:34:06 AM: + axios 1.5.1
10:34:06 AM: + colyseus 0.15.9
10:34:06 AM: + partysocket 0.0.8
10:34:06 AM: + short-unique-id 5.0.3
10:34:06 AM: + svelte-keyboard 0.5.5
10:34:06 AM: devDependencies:
10:34:06 AM: + @fontsource/fira-mono 4.5.10
10:34:06 AM: + @melt-ui/pp 0.1.2
10:34:06 AM: + @melt-ui/svelte 0.52.0
10:34:06 AM: + @neoconfetti/svelte 1.0.0
10:34:06 AM: + @supabase/functions-js 2.1.5
10:34:06 AM: + @supabase/gotrue-js 2.55.0
10:34:06 AM: + @supabase/node-fetch 2.6.13
10:34:06 AM: + @supabase/postgrest-js 1.8.4
10:34:06 AM: + @supabase/realtime-js 2.8.0
10:34:06 AM: + @supabase/storage-js 2.5.4
10:34:06 AM: + @supabase/supabase-js 2.38.0
10:34:06 AM: + @sveltejs/adapter-auto 2.0.0
10:34:06 AM: + @sveltejs/adapter-static 2.0.3
10:34:06 AM: + @sveltejs/kit 1.20.4
10:34:06 AM: + @types/cookie 0.5.1
10:34:06 AM: + bufferutil 4.0.7
10:34:06 AM: + eslint 8.28.0
10:34:06 AM: + eslint-config-prettier 8.5.0
10:34:06 AM: + eslint-plugin-svelte 2.30.0
10:34:06 AM: + fractils 3.1.2
10:34:06 AM: + lucide-svelte 0.284.0
10:34:06 AM: + partykit 0.0.26
10:34:06 AM: + prettier 2.8.0
10:34:06 AM: + prettier-plugin-svelte 2.10.1
10:34:06 AM: + supabase 1.100.1
10:34:06 AM: + svelte 4.0.5
10:34:06 AM: + svelte-check 3.4.3
10:34:06 AM: + svelte-confetti 1.3.1
10:34:06 AM: + svelte-legos 0.2.2
10:34:06 AM: + svelte-sequential-preprocessor 2.0.1
10:34:06 AM: + typescript 5.0.2
10:34:06 AM: + vite 4.4.2
10:34:06 AM: Done in 6.4s
10:34:06 AM: npm packages installed using pnpm
10:34:07 AM: Install dependencies script success
10:34:07 AM: Starting build script
10:34:07 AM: Detected 1 framework(s)
10:34:07 AM: "svelte-kit" at version "1.20.4"
10:34:07 AM: Section completed: initializing
10:34:09 AM: Netlify Build
10:34:09 AM: ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ
10:34:09 AM: β
10:34:09 AM: β― Version
10:34:09 AM: @netlify/build 29.21.1
10:34:09 AM: β
10:34:09 AM: β― Flags
10:34:09 AM: baseRelDir: true
10:34:09 AM: buildId: 652238291c0751765262e421
10:34:09 AM: deployId: 652238291c0751765262e423
10:34:09 AM: β
10:34:09 AM: β― Current directory
10:34:09 AM: /opt/build/repo
10:34:09 AM: β
10:34:09 AM: β― Config file
10:34:09 AM: /opt/build/repo/netlify.toml
10:34:09 AM: β
10:34:09 AM: β― Context
10:34:09 AM: branch-deploy
10:34:09 AM: β
10:34:09 AM: Build command from Netlify app
10:34:09 AM: ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ
10:34:09 AM: β
10:34:09 AM: $ npm run build
10:34:09 AM: > rhymer@0.0.1 build
10:34:09 AM: > vite build
10:34:10 AM: vite v4.4.2 building SSR bundle for production...
10:34:10 AM: transforming...
10:34:10 AM: 5:04:10 AM [vite-plugin-svelte] /opt/build/repo/src/components/GameLogic.svelte:157:19 "isGameFinish" is not defined
10:34:10 AM: 155: <p>Wait for others to join!</p>
10:34:10 AM: 156: {:else if gameFinished}
10:34:10 AM: 157: <Dialog isOpen={isGameFinish}>
10:34:10 AM: ^
10:34:10 AM: 158: <!-- For fields slot -->
10:34:10 AM: 159: <div slot="fields">
10:34:10 AM: 5:04:10 AM [vite-plugin-svelte] /opt/build/repo/src/components/GameLogic.svelte:410:1 Unused CSS selector "button.primary"
10:34:10 AM: 408: }
10:34:10 AM: 409:
10:34:10 AM: 410: button.primary {
10:34:10 AM: ^
10:34:10 AM: 411: display: inline-flex;
10:34:10 AM: 412: align-items: center;
10:34:15 AM: β 1688 modules transformed.
10:34:15 AM: rendering chunks...
10:34:15 AM: vite v4.4.2 building for production...
10:34:15 AM: transforming...
10:34:16 AM: 5:04:16 AM [vite-plugin-svelte] /opt/build/repo/src/components/GameLogic.svelte:157:19 "isGameFinish" is not defined
10:34:16 AM: 155: <p>Wait for others to join!</p>
10:34:16 AM: 156: {:else if gameFinished}
10:34:16 AM: 157: <Dialog isOpen={isGameFinish}>
10:34:16 AM: ^
10:34:16 AM: 158: <!-- For fields slot -->
10:34:16 AM: 159: <div slot="fields">
10:34:16 AM: 5:04:16 AM [vite-plugin-svelte] /opt/build/repo/src/components/GameLogic.svelte:410:1 Unused CSS selector "button.primary"
10:34:16 AM: 408: }
10:34:16 AM: 409:
10:34:16 AM: 410: button.primary {
10:34:16 AM: ^
10:34:16 AM: 411: display: inline-flex;
10:34:16 AM: 412: align-items: center;
10:34:25 AM: β 1675 modules transformed.
10:34:25 AM: rendering chunks...
10:34:25 AM: computing gzip size...
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/version.json 0.03 kB β gzip: 0.05 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/info.67485b8b.svg 0.47 kB β gzip: 0.26 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/cross.42442b15.svg 0.57 kB β gzip: 0.37 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/success.e8e52ddb.svg 0.93 kB β gzip: 0.47 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/error.30b3866a.svg 1.05 kB β gzip: 0.46 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/warn.52ac6d02.svg 1.32 kB β gzip: 0.69 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/fira-mono-greek-ext-400-normal.9e2fe623.woff2 7.51 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/fira-mono-cyrillic-400-normal.c7d433fd.woff2 9.10 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/fira-mono-greek-400-normal.a8be01ce.woff2 10.52 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/nunito-vietnamese-wght-normal.0ef9726d.woff2 10.63 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/fira-mono-latin-ext-400-normal.6bfabd30.woff2 11.36 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/vite-manifest.json 11.90 kB β gzip: 1.34 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/fira-mono-cyrillic-ext-400-normal.3df7909e.woff2 15.77 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/fira-mono-latin-400-normal.e43b3538.woff2 16.28 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/nunito-cyrillic-wght-normal.7ca4b4bb.woff2 20.82 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/nunito-cyrillic-ext-wght-normal.b2611fa3.woff2 28.96 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/nunito-latin-ext-wght-normal.89def742.woff2 32.72 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/nunito-latin-wght-normal.96217f1d.woff2 35.90 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/fira-mono-all-400-normal.1e3b098c.woff 77.36 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/PeoplePresence.68246fc6.css 0.28 kB β gzip: 0.20 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/stores.91c5c161.css 0.67 kB β gzip: 0.40 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/2.137dc43e.css 1.41 kB β gzip: 0.52 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/3.5f37ebd3.css 8.91 kB β gzip: 2.40 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/assets/0.f75910b6.css 9.68 kB β gzip: 2.62 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/chunks/stores.8d5a34dd.js 0.24 kB β gzip: 0.17 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/nodes/1.6f537d05.js 0.84 kB β gzip: 0.52 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/chunks/index.8bb81525.js 1.00 kB β gzip: 0.60 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/chunks/stores.3ab0c68c.js 1.32 kB β gzip: 0.69 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/chunks/singletons.158cff40.js 2.46 kB β gzip: 1.26 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/chunks/PeoplePresence.94de71f1.js 3.55 kB β gzip: 1.62 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/chunks/index.bfd665c5.js 5.63 kB β gzip: 2.76 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/entry/app.a1472f6e.js 6.74 kB β gzip: 2.48 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/chunks/scheduler.c8c2b7c4.js 8.74 kB β gzip: 3.48 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/chunks/short-unique-id.bec4e7ab.js 8.99 kB β gzip: 3.07 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/nodes/0.585cb583.js 13.51 kB β gzip: 5.37 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/nodes/2.c0443c72.js 22.06 kB β gzip: 8.78 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/entry/start.d873f4a4.js 23.98 kB β gzip: 9.51 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/chunks/GuessMarker.847c8ada.js 28.17 kB β gzip: 10.41 kB
10:34:25 AM: .svelte-kit/output/client/_app/immutable/nodes/3.bb666f9c.js 46.31 kB β gzip: 14.63 kB
10:34:25 AM: β built in 10.08s
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/info.67485b8b.svg 0.47 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/cross.42442b15.svg 0.57 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/success.e8e52ddb.svg 0.93 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/error.30b3866a.svg 1.05 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/warn.52ac6d02.svg 1.32 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/fira-mono-greek-ext-400-normal.9e2fe623.woff2 7.51 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/fira-mono-cyrillic-400-normal.c7d433fd.woff2 9.10 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/vite-manifest.json 10.13 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/fira-mono-greek-400-normal.a8be01ce.woff2 10.52 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/nunito-vietnamese-wght-normal.0ef9726d.woff2 10.63 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/fira-mono-latin-ext-400-normal.6bfabd30.woff2 11.36 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/fira-mono-cyrillic-ext-400-normal.3df7909e.woff2 15.77 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/fira-mono-latin-400-normal.e43b3538.woff2 16.28 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/nunito-cyrillic-wght-normal.7ca4b4bb.woff2 20.82 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/nunito-cyrillic-ext-wght-normal.b2611fa3.woff2 28.96 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/nunito-latin-ext-wght-normal.89def742.woff2 32.72 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/nunito-latin-wght-normal.96217f1d.woff2 35.90 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/fira-mono-all-400-normal.1e3b098c.woff 77.36 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/PeoplePresence.68246fc6.css 0.28 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/stores.8e3dae57.css 0.65 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/_page.137dc43e.css 1.41 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/_page.97e12765.css 8.82 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/_app/immutable/assets/_layout.96daddf0.css 10.02 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/entries/pages/_page.js 0.05 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/entries/pages/battle/_page.js 0.05 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/internal.js 0.19 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/entries/fallbacks/error.svelte.js 0.89 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/chunks/stores.js 2.30 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/entries/pages/battle/_page.svelte.js 2.61 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/chunks/index.js 2.68 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/chunks/action.js 5.18 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/chunks/internal.js 5.37 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/chunks/ssr.js 8.46 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/entries/pages/_page.svelte.js 19.52 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/entries/pages/_layout.svelte.js 77.44 kB
10:34:26 AM: .svelte-kit/output/server/index.js 106.89 kB
10:34:26 AM: Run npm run preview to preview your production build locally.
10:34:26 AM:
10:34:26 AM: > Using @sveltejs/adapter-static
10:34:26 AM: Wrote site to "build"
10:34:26 AM: β done
10:34:26 AM: β built in 15.67s
10:34:26 AM: β
10:34:26 AM: (build.command completed in 16.8s)
10:34:26 AM: β
10:34:26 AM: Functions bundling
10:34:26 AM: ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ
10:34:26 AM: β
10:34:26 AM: Packaging Functions from netlify/my-functions directory:
10:34:26 AM: - create-room/create-room.cjs
10:34:26 AM: β
10:34:26 AM: β
10:34:26 AM: Dependencies installation error
10:34:26 AM: ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ
10:34:26 AM: β
10:34:26 AM: Error message
10:34:26 AM: A Netlify Function failed to require one of its dependencies.
10:34:26 AM: Please make sure it is present in the site"s top-level "package.json".
10:34:26 AM: In file "/opt/build/repo/netlify/my-functions/create-room/create-room.cjs"
10:34:26 AM: Cannot find module "whatwg-url"
10:34:26 AM: Require stack:
10:34:26 AM: - /opt/buildhome/node-deps/node_modules/@netlify/zip-it-and-ship-it/dist/runtimes/node/bundlers/zisi/resolve.js
10:34:26 AM: β
10:34:26 AM: Resolved config
10:34:26 AM: build:
10:34:26 AM: command: npm run build
10:34:26 AM: commandOrigin: ui
10:34:26 AM: environment:
10:34:26 AM: - SUPABASE_URL
10:34:26 AM: publish: /opt/build/repo/build
10:34:26 AM: publishOrigin: ui
10:34:26 AM: functionsDirectory: /opt/build/repo/netlify/my-functions
10:34:27 AM: Failed during stage "building site": Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2
10:34:27 AM: Build failed due to a user error: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2
10:34:27 AM: Failing build: Failed to build site
10:34:28 AM: Finished processing build request in 34.929s
I have:
- Cleared cache and tried to deploy again multiple times.
- Deleted pnpm-lock.yaml and regenerated it and then pushed the newest one.
- Tried to manually include the dependencies that the log tells me are not found, but this is endless. It didnβt happen before.
- Deleted the netlify functions folder (and even renamed it), and created fresh files and folders.
- The function has a single external package and Iβve included that in package.json.
Why has this stopped working all of a sudden and what can I do to fix it? I canβt find anything on the support forum that helps understand what is going wrong either.
Github Repo: GitHub - thedivtagguy/rhymer at refactor
Deploy URL: Netlify App
Deploy ID: 652238291c0751765262e423
Last Successful Deploy: