Netlify CLI Can't Detect Forms from when Deploying Remix App

When deploying using the CLI from a Webstudio project, which is a remix app, Netlify will not detect the forms in the project. (Netlify-functions FYI)

Note that someone from the Webstudio team tested this and decided it was an issue with how the Netlify CLI works. They made an issue here Netlify Form detection fails with remix and react-router-dom · Issue #6955 · netlify/cli · GitHub

Here’s my website but I have successfully gotten forms to work, and the form in this remix app is the example form from Netlify docs. So it’s definitely something with the Netlify CLI and Remix, not the forms.

Unless the form exists as a static file, this has nothing to do with the CLI. Based on the GitHub issue:

@remix-run/react uses react-router-dom in return to render these elements.

it looks like the form is renderd either using client-side JavaScript or on the server. You might want to refer to: Using Netlify Forms with Next.js - OpenNext

Thanks for the info. To clarify, is there any chance that Netlify could change how forms are handled or is this something we’ll always just need to have a workaround for on our end?

No, I don’t anticipate any changes in the short term. There were “talks” to improve this, but I won’t expect that to land any time soon, if at all. The above mentioned workaround is the way to go.

Ok, thanks for you help!