Netlify Build Socket Timeout

I updated my Gatsby website to the latest version (5.14). Now, when deploying on netlify i always get the following error:

 FetchError: request to  oZbqstJ98BDO_MONZAARESwebsite-departamente2025_Cardiologiepediatric%C4%83icon.  webp?auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=max&palette=json&colors=1 failed, reason:
1:04:58 AM:   
1:04:58 AM:   - index.js:108 ClientRequest.<anonymous>
1:04:58 AM:     [repo]/[node-fetch]/src/index.js:108:11
1:04:58 AM:   
1:04:58 AM:   - node:events:518 ClientRequest.emit
1:04:58 AM:     node:events:518:28
1:04:58 AM:   
1:04:58 AM:   - node:_http_client:495 TLSSocket.socketErrorListener
1:04:58 AM:     node:_http_client:495:9
1:04:58 AM:   
1:04:58 AM:   - node:events:518 TLSSocket.emit
1:04:58 AM:     node:events:518:28
1:04:58 AM:   
1:04:58 AM:   - destroy:169 emitErrorNT
1:04:58 AM:     node:internal/streams/destroy:169:8
1:04:58 AM:   
1:04:58 AM:   - destroy:128 emitErrorCloseNT
1:04:58 AM:     node:internal/streams/destroy:128:3
1:04:58 AM:   
1:04:58 AM:   - task_queues:82 processTicksAndRejections
1:04:58 AM:     node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21
1:04:58 AM:   
1:04:58 AM:   - task_queues:64 runNextTicks
1:04:58 AM:     node:internal/process/task_queues:64:3
1:04:58 AM:   
1:04:58 AM:   - timers:540 listOnTimeout
1:04:58 AM:     node:internal/timers:540:9
1:04:58 AM:   
1:04:58 AM:   - timers:514 process.processTimers
1:04:58 AM:     node:internal/timers:514:7

When running the build locally, even with the netlify build command, everything works fine. Also the image URL can be loaded correctly.

I deployed at least 10 times and every time it failed, the image it complains about is also a different one every time.

What can I do to solve this?

Hi, @tudor2004. This was moved to a support ticket. If there are follow-up questions, please reply there.