Moving to Netlify

I have two websites and one of them is Currently it is hosted somewhere else and I am not happy with the hosting. Please guide me as to how I can move my site to the netlify platform.

Secondly, I am planning a new site and I have just registered a new domain for it. Kindly guide me on how to set up this site with netlify.

You’re currently using Wordpress. It’s not possible to host Wordpress on Netlify. Netlify hosts static websites only.

You’d have to select one of the static website generators, and create (or choose) a template or a theme and add content to it, all in a text editor. For any of this, some amount of technical knowledge will be required if you wish to customise it to your heart’s content. Then, if you want to add features like search or comments it might be yet another task for static websites. However, once your theme is ready, you can choose to use Wordpress (or many other services) as a CMS, that is, you can post content directly from Wordpress to your website if the code is configured correctly.

Regarding the domain, there are already a lot of threads along with a great documentation on how to do it. In short, in your domain registrar’s DNS settings, change your website’s nameservers to the ones Netlify will show you in your dashboard when you try to connect your domain. The rest will be managed by Netlify accordingly.

@tammiec Welcome to the Netlify support community.

Everything that @hrishikesh wrote is correct, but I have tried WordPress static site converters without success. Rather than repeat myself, I’ll simply point you to an earlier post:

I hope this helps.