I have a Wordpress multi install on a 3rd party server that I then point my various domains and some small client’s domains to. The set up there is using a subdirectory setup, so: mywpserver.com/client1 etc…
Their custom domains then point at my server and WP handles the redirection to point their domains at their respective subdirectory.
I plan to migrate these all over to jamstack with netlify and would love to have this setup used as my “data source” for all of these sites with their primary domains pointed at netlify instead of the 3rd party server.
But, would I be able to have redirects that point to these subdirectories so that they could access their wp dashboards at their clientdomain[dot]com/admin/ (like they do now) and also pull their data from it?
I read another post on here that explained this pretty well, however it was based on subdomains not subdirectories. See here: https://answers.netlify.com/t/netlify-custom-domain-and-wordpress/2155/5?u=twilightscapes
I don’t think it’s possible to point subdomains at subdirectories, is it?
So, in the end, to accomplish all of this I will have to change my Wordpress multi install to use subdomains instead, correct? (this worries me as this sounds like a nightmare) or am I totally overthinking this?
Thanks for any ideas and input. I am trying to pull the trigger on jamstack and go all in, but want to make sure I have a flexible setup similar to the one I have now.