My app will not let me login even though I can login by running “rpm run dev” through my VSCode. I realized before my last deploy that I’d made an error in the “NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN” field. It was listed as “,” and I corrected it to “” and pushed up the change on my last deploy. The link is correct on my Netlify Environmental Variables, but I’m still unable to login.
@MJSuttles The fact the request shows key=NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_API_KEY indicates the key hasn’t been replaced during your build (if it was supposed to be).
This previous thread provides more detail for your situation with Env Vars and Firebase API Keys:
Thanks! I did see that I accidentally included a closing parenthesis at the end of the NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_API_KEY. I removed it, saved the new key, and then triggered a new deployment at 7:23 AM CDT. It’s now 12:39 CDT, and it’s still “in progress.” Is this normal?