Someone kindly assist me with this. The site in the repo below has been built using Nuxt+Tailwind.
I have gone through the following articles and steps but still getting a broken link when submitting.
Where might I be going wrong?
Please assist and find a link to my repo below.
Thank You in advance and looking forward to your earliest response.
opened 03:17PM - 17 May 17 UTC
closed 09:08AM - 29 May 17 UTC
Not sure if this is a Nuxt issue or not, but does anyone have any idea why an el… ement might disappear from the dom once JS is loaded. I can't reproduce this locally, is only happening once [deployed](https://nuxtjs.org/faq/github-pages/#how-to-deploy-on-github-pages-) to GitHub Pages. See the logo (top-left) [here](https://smth.github.io/goodtables-ui/).
<div align="right"><sub><em>This bug report is available on <a href="https://nuxtjs.cmty.io">Nuxt.js</a> community (<a href="https://nuxtjs.cmty.io/nuxt/nuxt.js/issues/c619">#c619</a>)</em></sub></div>
Thanks for writing in. In order for us to help debug the form, we need a link to the live form to test. Can you please provide it? Thanks!
Apologies for the delay. I am not to sure which link you are referring to but I am safely assuming that the link below is what you are referring to.
Thanks and looking forward to your response.
Hi @AlexCsmas ,
I did a test submission on your site and it looks like you aren’t submitting a form-name field. Are you using JS to submit the form or just html?
October 3, 2019, 5:17pm
hi @AlexCsmas - just to be sure, you already saw this guide and worked through it?
Last reviewed August 2023
Please give these debugging tips a try before making a new post. If none of the suggestions work, please include the information that we request at the end of this guide in the new post that you create. Thank you!
Why use Forms?
Forms are one of the most useful parts of modern websites because they allow us to capture input from our visitors.
There are many ways to use forms: contact forms, such as contact forms and sign-up forms. Seeing as there are many types of fo…