I noticed language-based redirects aren’t working of the browser has two languages configured.
I have a redirect rule in my _redirects file as follows:
/ /jp 302 Language=ja
I have set my browser to Japanese with English (US) as my secondary language. My browser (Chrome) sends the following request header.
accept-language: ja,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
This does not redirect the site.
If I change my browser to Japanese only it sends the following header:
accept-language: ja
When I retry it redirects fine. I have no specific rules set up for English, which is why I’m surprised the redirect doesn’t work. I’m pretty sure this used to work. Can someone clarify?
Hi, @cbetta_box, welcome to our community site. As I believe you may already be aware (via other communication outside of this community thread), this is a known issue we are tracking at this time.
We’ll update this ticket if/when those issues are known to be resolved (and we’ll also email you directly relating to the other communication channel as well).
The response I received via email was that this was a known issue that is in the process of receiving a wider rewrite that might take till Q2 next year. Not ideal, but excited for the improvements.
Hey oskar, no problem at all. This issue is a sub-concern of something that needs some more comprehensive architectural changes, so we are moving forward with care! We need a little more time to test our changes at scale - we haven’t forgotten about it, and we’ll update here once there is more specific news to share. thanks for your patience.
no, i’m sorry that it’s still not working as you’d like it to! I can share that we are very carefully testing some larger infra changes that will likely also fix this issue - no firm eta yet, but we are getting closer. Sorry it is taking us so long!
Yes, so, as Perry said on 2 July, no status change as yet. We will follow up here when there is one - we are as anxious as you are and will not forget this thread