Hi there,
I’m deploying a react app. All works fine locally and git commits/push. Domain is Netlify and all records updated. I keep getting 404’s when trying the riskgpt.io (custom domain) as well as the Netlify one: gorgeous-brioche-d0ce1f
Please help
@agaziel2 Have you performed your build (not your ‘develop’) locally and checked what it outputs?
Or downloaded the files from your deployment ?
It’s likely you may not have deployed what you think you’ve deployed, and that your index.html
is missing.
Hi Nathan,
Thanks for your guidance. I have changed quite a lot in the code, will revert when/if I can’t use Netlify after the changes. The build works fine locally.
June 6, 2023, 10:34am
Hi @agaziel2 ,
Thanks for reaching out!
Looks like you’re deploying a React app? Have you seen this post ? It has a solution that may work for you for when you get a Page Not Found when using React.
Thanks. Have added the redirect and pointed to the public folder in build settings, still nothing…
@agaziel2 It’s likely your configuration just isn’t correct.
Can you supply access to the repository?
1 Like
June 7, 2023, 3:18am
Hi, @agaziel2 . These two support guides would be good places to start:
Last reviewed by Netlify Support on December 2022
How do I run a server/database at Netlify?
We often get questions about how to run a specific backend server or database at Netlify. Examples of these types of questions include:
How to I get my node HTTP listener to respond to requests?
How do I start Mongo/MySQL/<insert-some-database-here> running on the server?
How can I SSH into my website?
We are here today to answer these questions - and the answer is: you can’t!
What do you m…
Last reviewed by Netlify Support - August, 2023
Netlify attempts to lookup a file based on several xor filters, and when all of these fail, we end up serving a 404 page. For example, a request made to /example/ would check /example/index.html, /example.html, /example/home.html and several other combinations (not necessarily in the same order) before hitting the 404. However, in case you were not expecting a 404 at a particular URL, you might be interested in finding out the reason and potentia…
If there are questions after reading those, please let us know.
Yes, I can. How do I find you on GitHub?
@agaziel2 Most people just post public access to the repository on the forum.