jsPlumb or private npm packages troubleshooting

Hi everyone

I am using a package called jsPlumb. I have the paid version now and when I try to deploy, I get the following error

I get what the error is. But I don’t know who to login into NPM and get my auth token on Netlify.

This is my .npmrc


The directions from jsPlumb are to use the npm adduser command below
npm adduser --registry=https://download.jsplumbtoolkit.com/repository/jsplumb/

I read online that once I login using the username and password it would store the auth token in my .npmrc?

Because it’s not doing that either.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! I can’t push changes because of this :frowning:

Have you tried reading through

Yes I have. Mentioned above, it’s not saving that token to my .npmrc in the project.

Do you know where that is stored at?

Windows OS

Please share your site.


How exactly would that help you? It wont complete the build…

Hi @Alan_Spurlock , it looks like you had a successful build since your last reply. Do you still need help?