I’m currently evaluating Netlify for recommending usage by quite a large enterprise and try to deploy some sample projects first. I got deployments via Jekyll running, but getting stuck enabling visual site editing.
The project name is jekyll-sample and this is the stack bit config:
The visual site editor fails to start and displays an error message: “bundle install - command not found”. Is there a guide available how to get this completed?
Thank you for the follow-up. Would be great to get a statement from the devs
The other question would be: how to set the ruby version - with Netlify Deploy, I can just specify RUBY_VERSION as an environment variable. Will this then work in Netlify Create as well?
At the moment, I don’t believe that would work. Create is not yet heavily configured to run Ruby applications, but happy to be wrong if the devs say otherwise.
has there been any feedback of the devs already? Not being able to use Jekyll - that you support on the rest of the platform - would be a major drawback actually.
Hi there! We’ve followed up on this requests in our helpdesk, ticket #321453. You’ll see that update via email, feel free to follow-up with any questions there!