Integrating Netlify Forms with Create-React-App

Hey guys,

I am having trouble integrating netlify forms within my React portfolio site. For reference, I followed this blog post: How to Integrate Netlify’s Form Handling in a React App. It’s worth noting that I am using the Material UI FormGroup component along with the TextField component to build my form. Can anyone help me out?

My index.html looks like the following:

Hi @cam_97,

Since you are using React, could you try following the example here? That’s a form that is know to work with our Form Handling. Let me know if that helps.

Any chance you’ve got an updated version using React Hooks @Dennis? That example is pretty dated in React world.

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hey @dfrho,

I chatted with Dennis just now about this, and we don’t have an example with React Hooks unfortunately.

There is an add on you might find interesting - our amazing Community Pilot @jonsully has created a fantastic SSG wrapper for forms on Netlify you could check out:

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Thanks Perry! I’ll check it out.