I have created a react app in my nx monorepo under apps/client. The project is maintained inside GitHub in an open repo. (GitHub - the-ai-team/razor). Netlify project is connected to the GitHub repo and enabled for continuous deployment.
I saw the image loading from a domain called https://netlify-cdp-loader.netlify.app in the deploy preview.
in the permalink, it’s not another domain but the same domain.
Currently, I’m seeing a white page for: https://deploy-preview-26--razor-web.netlify.app/ and I do not see any references to netlify-cdp-loader anymore. Has something changed?
I tried enabling asset optimization, now the domain is not netlify-cdp-loader but some CDN domain, which is not found again. the image there is not loading. You can see the expected result through the permalink. https://63c8e40fdfa4bb2882a41ff7--razor-web.netlify.app/