I have deployed my site but have a page not found error with www. web adress

I have deployed my site concorde-immobilier.com (https://saasalias-suchanicemeeting-vuk38evvznzyzbbsdkv2ko.netlify.app/) which is working

But when I add www such as https://www.concorde-immobilier.com it is not working (Page not found error)

Can you please help me ?

For this site I have https://michelebontempsimmobilier.com (https://saasalias-suchanicemeeting-79f533stam268eytlqf1lf.netlify.app/) which is working and https://www.michelebontempsimmobilier.com which is also working same process same steps. No error.

Can you please help me ?

Hey @alexanderb

Have you seen the support guide for this issue?

Yes it didn’t help me
Thank you

You read the support guide but it hasn’t helped? You’re still seeing “Page Not Found”?

This is what I see

Yes it is with www.concorde-immobilier.com that it is not working. The issue is www.

Thank you

When I visit http://www.concorde-immobilier.com/ I am redirected to the same page/URL as in my previous post https://concorde-immobilier.com/index_site_client/concordeimmobilier-1649712308309x951662383664988200?type%20de%20bien=logement&type%20de%20projet=Acheteur&type%20de%20exploitation=Agence-solo&nom%20du%20site=concordeimmobilier&nom%20du%20site%20global=concordeimmobilier&type%20de%20logement=&type%20de%20local%20commercial=&type%20de%20exploitation%20globale=Agence&type%20d%27espace=Tous&type%20de%20role=Fondateur-agence&type%20de%20transaction=&type%20de%20motif=Vente

Thank you from my side I am still having this error on mobile desktops… I don’t understand

Quite possibly you have a local cache issue. Alternatively, you may have Cloudflare proxy enabled which is advised against as per the following support guide

Ho wan I clean my local cache ? Thank you

You can search Google for that:
