I get errors on my deployed netlify website when using dynamic file based routing on my next js app

Site: Prep & Learn

Dyanmic Route: https://prep-n-learn.netlify.app/practices/1

How it was structured: app/practices/[id]/page.jsx

Repo : GitHub - minkhaung-mkks/prep-learn: A personal project of mine, that I decided to create due to having a hard time finding good places to do GED practice questions.

It just says client side error digest:##### and when i go to the dynamic route straight from my address bar, it gives me a 500 internal server error.

I tried to deploy it on vercel, everything worked fine over there, same with my local server.

Is this feature not supported yet on here? or do I have to enable/tweak somethings to make it work?

Hi @minkhaung-mkks thanks for reaching out. I’m not seeing an error on your site _ dynamic route. Are you still experiencing this issue?