How do i increase my netlify function timeout on local test environment, which is netlify dev, o tried this on netlify .toml:
functions_timeout = 25
This is from AI chatGPT, but it didn’t help, bard AI did not help.
I know increasing function timeout is for pro plan, but its my netlify dev on my localhost.
Is it ok to edit the netlify files from node_modules?
CLI will automatically use the upgraded time-limit if you’ve linked it to your Netlify site using netlify link. But your Netlify site should have the upgraded timeout for that to work.
Hi. I am facing the same issues here. We got the timeout of our site extended by support request to the maximum possible (somewhere around 20 something seconds) but the local netlify dev times out after then seconds. I already did a netlify unlink & link (netlify-cli/17.14.0) but that didn’t help either.
The functions timeout is set in the CLI code. In order to modify it, you’ll need to navigate to where your local copy of the CLI is stored and edit that line in that file. If you change the value to 26, that should then cause the CLI to use the longer timeout.
One caveat here is that setting is not going to persist if/when you upgrade the CLI to a new version. If you upgrade the CLI, you’ll need to make that same change again.
Hi, Yes I know of the workaround and that’s what I/we are using right now. But I would rather prefer to not use a “hack” to get this working. Good to know that there is a feature request pending that addresses this!