Hosted Netflify project is not updating despite pushing new commits to the GitHub repo

Hi there,

It seems like my Netlify is not syncing correctly to its relevant project repo. The project is hosted and works. But any additional changes I make to the code doesn’t seem to reflect on Netlify, even though it indicates that the latest changes have been published.

I’ve tried changing webpack versions.

Here is the hosted site:
Here is its repo:


Hi @Livi,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to Netlify’s Support Forums!

Looking at the repo, I’m showing that last commit was last week. Compared to the deploy, the last deploy was on February 17. When you push changes from your local environment to GitHub, are you seeing the GitHub repo update?

Hi there Melvin,

Thank you for the warm welcome!

Yes it updates accordingly, I believe I must have just tried to re-deploy the site a few times.


What do mean by this:

But any additional changes I make to the code doesn’t seem to reflect on Netlify, even though it indicates that the latest changes have been published.

Netlify’s last build aligns with the latest commit from your repo:

Can you walk us through what is not working as expected, please?

Hi there @gualter,

Thank you for reaching out.

Event though the application builds as expected with no errors, the changes made in the code aren’t reflected in the deployed site. As an example, here is some of the GitHub code that references the logo that shows on top of the screen (index.vue):

        alt="Company Logo"

But if you go into the deployed application and inspect the page, you can see the code is different. The code doesn’t match that of the repository the application was built from.

<img width="470" height="88" alt="Connected Sensors" src="" srcset=", 2x" class="stnd skip-lazy default-logo dark-version">

Please let me know if you have other questions for me to give more detail :slight_smile:

That is weird indeed! Can you push a small text change to the repo just to see if we’re updating correctly? For example try to change this text:

… to “Your Account Information”

Just to see if it persists

Hi there @gualter I’ve made the change. It still doesn’t reflect on the deployed site.

I see this is in your most recent deploy. Are you still experiencing this?

Hi there @SamO , yes, unfortunately I’m still experiencing this issue

Hey @Livi, I’ve taken a look at your site and it looks like you are not generating the new HTML before publishing on Netlify. Can you take a look at the Nuxt docs here [Nuxt - Netlify] and make sure you’re following all the steps? Let us know if that doesn’t help!

Thank you so much @amelia , I’ve re-built my project and it’s now working

Thanks for confirming your problem was solved. (: