Guidance on migrating primary site to subdomain on Netlify DNS

Hi folks, I’ve been through the docs and forums on this and have succeeded in making myself more confused :crazy_face:.

Our site is currently deployed to our apex domain via Netlify DNS (the full site uses Netlify DNS). However, we want to move the main site to an “app” subdomain so that we can use the apex domain for static landing page and blog.

Unfortunately I’m rather confused how to best proceed. Relevant details include:

  • Netlify site name:
  • Deployed site name:
  • Site is built in Nuxt
  • We deploy through Github
  • Our site is currently deployed to {site}.ai and we want to move it to app.{site}.ai so that we can use the primary domain for static landing + blog, and redirect our registered users to app.{site}.ai upon login.

I expect the process is pretty straightforward and I’ve read through the docs on branch subdomain deploys etc. However since we want this to be our main deploy not a branch deploy etc, I’m not positive the right way to proceed. My main questions include how this differs from branch subdomains, which specific DNS records need to be updated.

Bonus points if you know whether there are any hidden gotchas with site functionality, Netlify functions, auth0 etc which may crop up by changing to a subdomain.

Thank you!

Not sure if I’m missing something but this should be doable by:

  • Removing the apex domain from your site and add the app subdomain as the primary domain
  • Create the second site (for landing page) and add the apex domain to is.

The only thing I can think of is the callback URLs if any that you might have set in your Auth0 setup.