Git LFS config errors when cloning existing LFS repo

I have an issue cloning an existing LFS repo. Specifically, errors in setup of Netlify’s Git Credentials Helper.

I have been through the process as per the installation instructions. Running netlify lm:install I get:

  ✔ Checking Git version [Git-130)]
  ✔ Checking Git LFS version [3.0.2]
  ✔ Checking Git LFS filters
  ✖ Installing Netlify's Git Credential Helper for Mac OS X
    → spawn Unknown system error -86
    Configuring Git to use Netlify's Git Credential Helper
    Error: Command failed with Unknown system error -86: /Users/markboulton/Library/Preferences/netlify/helper/bin/git-credential-netlify 
    spawn Unknown system error -86
    Code: Unknown system error -86

Then, on cloning the repo, I get:

git: 'credential-netlify' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
Username for '':

Running git config -l

I see the following:

filter.lfs.clean=git-lfs clean -- %f
filter.lfs.smudge=git-lfs smudge -- %f
filter.lfs.process=git-lfs filter-process Boulton

I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling a few times – in addition to logging in and out of Netlify via the CLI to try and reset any auth issues but still the error persists. Any ideas as to the problem!?

In addition, running netlify lm:info gives me:

  ✔ Checking Git version [Git-130)]
  ✔ Checking Git LFS version [3.0.2]
  ✔ Checking Git LFS filters
  ✖ Checking Netlify's Git Credentials version
    → Check that Netlify's Git Credential helper is installed and updated to the latest version

Why might the credentials helper not be installed? FYI, I am on a new 14" MacBook Pro M1 Pro. Is there an issue with the binary for M1 chips?

Hey there, @markboulton :wave:

Sorry for the delay here! Thanks for reaching out. Can you share the github repo with us? I haven’t heard reports of the new MacBook Pro chips causing an issue, but we can look into this further!