I’m trying to deploy my ghost blog on netlify. I found a GitHub starter kit that I’m trying to deploy but I always get the same error. here’s the netlify link: soundsiriusblog.
10:11:04 PM: $ NODE_ENV=production gatsby build
10:11:07 PM: error We encountered an error while trying to load your site’s gatsby-config. Please fix the error and try again.
10:11:07 PM: Error: siteUrl can’t be localhost and needs to be configured in siteConfig. Ch eck the README.
but if I just want to deploy my blog on Netlify, how can I do it? When running a local ghost, the website is accessible on localhost:2368. I’d like to deploy the website part (without the ghost software obviously) and upload it on Netlify. How do you do that? This is a temp solution while I’m battling with Gatsby and GitHub.
As the README states, “Finally, configure your desired URL in siteConfig.js , so links (e. g. canonical links) are generated correctly. You can also update other default values, such as postsPerPage in this file.”
If you have a custom domain, set it to be that instead of localhost. Otherwise, you can use the .netlify.app name provided!