Get preview with image in the Relation Widget Select Dropdown

Hi Folks,

I’m the process of building a website for a photographer, which includes a simple shop.
I have a product collection, which is basically, a title, a image, description and a price:

- name: "product"
    label: "Product"
    folder: "content/product"
    media_folder: "/assets/images/product"
    public_folder: "/images/product"
    create: true
      - { label: "ID", hint: "This is the internal ID used with Snipcart", name: "id", widget: "uuid" }
      - { label: "Layout", name: "layout", widget: "hidden", default: "product" }
      - { label: "Title", name: "title", required: true, widget: "string" }
      - { label: "Description", name: "description", required: false, widget: "text" }
      - { label: "Price", hint: "Don't use more than 2 digits after the comma", name: "price", required: true, widget: "number", value_type: "float", min: 0.0 }
      - { label: "Image", name: "image_url", required: true, widget: "image", allow_multiple: false }
      - { label: "Category", name: "category", required: true, widget: "relation", collection: "category", search_fields: ["title"], value_field: "category/{{filename}}.{{extension}}", display_fields: ["title"] }

I also have a “featured” section, where I showcase 4 of these products. For this I use the relation widget.

- name: "featured"
        label: "Favourites"
        file: "data/featured.yaml"
        media_folder: "/assets/images/product"
        public_folder: "/images/product"
          - { label: "Title", name: "text", widget: "string", required: true }
          - { label: "Products", name: "items", required: true, widget: "relation", multiple: true, collection: "product", search_fields: ["title"], value_field: "product/{{filename}}.{{extension}}", display_fields: ["{{title}}"] }

My problem is now, in the dropdown of the relation widget I can only see text, which in this case is not really helpful, since the enduser would have a difficult time knowing the product just from the title or the image file name. I would prefer to be able to show an image for the element, along with the text:

Is this perhaps possible ? Or do I have to create a custom widget for this ?
At first I thought a custom preview template could be used for this, but it seems I misunderstood that.

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