We are looking to have a another domain name we own redirect a subdomain to scentcheck.netlify.app but we need the sites IP address.
Currently having a lot of trouble finding the correct one, most say page not found. I am just looking for a way I can find the IP address on my netlify account if I can be pointed in the right direction to find one…
Hi, @kevkern3, there isn’t one IP address for our ADN/CDN, there are dozens and that list is changing and growing.
The instructions for pointing a custom domain to a site can be found here:
To summarize those instructions, for anything other than an apex/bare/root domain the recommendation is to create a CNAME record pointing the to the site name subdomain at Netlify (which is scentcheck.netlify.app).
If this doesn’t work or if there are questions, please let us know.
So @luke, my domain is on godaddy. I created a CNAME entry to point “www” to the netlify app. When I enter my site’s address without the “www” prefix the site doesn’t show up.
It’s not clear to me yet but it seems I need to create an A record with the host @ that points to my netlify app’s IP address. But with this information that I can’t have a stable IP address to use I’m at a loss.
Hi, @chidimo. Yes, an A record is used in most cases (unless your DNS service supports the special record type).
The IP address to use is in the section of the docs linked to in my post above. In that documentation, it is the section labeled “Configure an apex domain”, which I have quoted below:
If your DNS provider supports one of these special record types (recommended), find and follow their instructions to point the apex domain directly to your Netlify subdomain, such as brave-curie-671954.netlify.app .
If your DNS provider does not support CNAME-style resolution for apex domains , you must configure your domain with a single-server A record:
Find your DNS provider’s DNS record settings for your apex domain, such as petsofnetlify.com .
Add an A record . Depending on your provider, leave the host field empty or enter @ .
Point the record to Netlify’s load balancer IP address: .
Save your settings. It may take a full day for the settings to propagate across the global Domain Name System.
If there are other questions, please let us know and we will be happy to answer.
Are you wanting to move your site DNS to Namecheap or keep it in Netlify?
If you set nameservers in Namecheap to point to Netlify then you would configure your domain in the Netlify UI. If you are planning to use Namecheap’s nameservers, then you will need to add your custom domain to your site. Once done you are provided with the configuration for your site. See Configure external DNS for a custom domain | Netlify Docs and Delegate your domain to Netlify | Netlify Docs for more details.
I also want to add, @Othnapcalx, that if you have a domain you registered using Netlify and want to transfer it to another service, please let us know and our support team will open a support ticket with you to coordinate the transfer.
If you registered the domain using some other service (like Namecheap), then you can make the changes without our intervention by making DNS changes at the domain registrar (as @coelmay as already mentioned). If there are questions about what changes to make, just let us know and we will be happy to answer.