Genuine form submissions getting flagged as spam

hi @hitchcott, thanks for that suggestion - i can see how that would be useful. this isn’t an option at this time, but we are actively looking into improving how spam is handled and will report back here once we have something to share.

+1 for being able to disable Akismet. It seems to be random in my case, out of every 10 genuine messages 3 or 4 just get flagged as spam


Hi. there :slightly_smiling_face: Any updates on this ?

I’m working on a site that requires the Akismet spam filter to be disabled so that no submissions ever go to spam the main reason for this is that my client want’s to be notified with an email notification even if there is a spam submission which is not possible to do yet notifications only work for the verified submissions.

Hi @nisarhassan12,

Unfortunately, there’s still no changes in this regard. But maybe you could use a serverless function to send an email on every submission. For example:

form.addEventListener('submit', event => {
  // fetch to submit the form to Netlify forms
  fetch('/').then(() => {
    // trigger a function to send yourself an email

So with this, if you get 2 emails, 1 from your function and 1 from Netlify about form submission, you can be sure it’s a verified submission. If you get only the one from your function, you’d know there’s a spam submission.

Hi, I’m wondering if there’s any further updates on this, as like the others here, we’re also running into valid form submissions being flagged as spam. In our case we’re guessing it’s because the user might submit multiple forms in a short amount of time via ajax. But even so this is a valid use case for our site.

To make matters worse, there doesn’t seem to be a way to retrieve posts marked as “spam” via the API. We’re using the forms API to display recent form submissions on an internal panel, but it excludes those marked as spam and there doesn’t seem to be a way to get them, via an optional parameter or otherwise. However i might also be missing something; could you confirm this is the case? And also provide any updates? Thanks!

You can use ?state=spam:<site-id>/submissions?state=spam
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Is there really still no way to manage Akismet!?

My automated end-to-end tests (using playwright) are failing as my test form is getting marked as spam so the test timeout. I went to disable the spam checking while we develop but there appears to be no way to do so.

Reading other people problems it seem the netlify forms are basically unusable without any way to manage the spam filtering. Plus we don’t want to use Netlify’s form management console at all. That’s a shame as I wanted to take advantage of the spam filtering and HTML form encoding to JSON conversion.

Looks like, as someone else pointed out in another post I made, I will have to submit directly to a function and ignore the forms feature!

Hi there, @slim

Unfortunately, I don’t have an update for you at this time. That being said, I have shared your feedback with the Product team. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have additional thoughts on that matter.
