Netlify site name:
Production site:
After a successful migration from Gatsby Cloud to Netlfiy, builds suddenly stopped working. I’m seeing this error: Input buffer has corrupt header: glib: XML parse error: Error domain 1 code 77 on line 577 column 1 of data: Premature end of data in tag link line 117
This is happening when I run a build locally or attempt to run one on Netlify.
The error provides no help in determining the source of the problem, at least with my limited knowledge. Results from googling seem to imply that the problem is related to Sharp processing images, yet no new images were added when the build problem started.
If there is a corrupted image, I’m unsure how that would have occurred. Additionally, the errors never reference a specific image and seem to happen at different times in the build process each time I run it. I’ve attempted to find a corrupted image in the site and can’t find any.
A second error message says An error occurred during parallel query running. Go here for troubleshooting tips:
Unfortunately, the help suggested by the link is not useful because it is out-of-date. It suggests enabling Parallel Query Running, but elsewhere, I learned that this was enabled by default in Gatsby version 4. I am running Gatsby version 5.11.0.
More about the site:
`❯ gatsby info
OS: macOS 13.5.2
CPU: (16) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz
Shell: 5.9 - /bin/zsh
Node: 20.5.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.0/bin/node
Yarn: 1.22.19 - /usr/local/bin/yarn
npm: 10.1.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.0/bin/npm
Chrome: 118.0.5993.70
Firefox: 118.0.2
Safari: 16.6
gatsby: 5.11.0 => 5.11.0
gatsby-awesome-pagination: ^0.3.8 => 0.3.8
gatsby-cli: ^5.12.1 => 5.12.2
gatsby-core-utils: ^4.12.0 => 4.12.0
gatsby-plugin-algolia: ^1.0.3 => 1.0.3
gatsby-plugin-feed: ^5.12.0 => 5.12.1
gatsby-plugin-google-gtag: ^5.12.0 => 5.12.1
gatsby-plugin-image: ^3.12.0 => 3.12.1
gatsby-plugin-mailchimp: ^5.2.2 => 5.2.2
gatsby-plugin-manifest: ^5.12.0 => 5.12.1
gatsby-plugin-netlify: ^5.1.0 => 5.1.1
gatsby-plugin-postcss: ^6.12.0 => 6.12.0
gatsby-plugin-purgecss: ^6.1.2 => 6.2.1
gatsby-plugin-react-helmet: ^6.12.0 => 6.12.0
gatsby-plugin-sharp: ^5.12.0 => 5.12.1
gatsby-plugin-sitemap: ^6.12.0 => 6.12.1
gatsby-plugin-split-css: ^2.0.3 => 2.0.3
gatsby-plugin-utils: ^4.12.0 => 4.12.1
gatsby-source-drupal: ^6.12.0 => 6.12.1
gatsby-source-filesystem: ^5.12.0 => 5.12.0
gatsby-transformer-sharp: ^5.12.0 => 5.12.1`
The content of this site is provided by Drupal. There are 19,625 total nodes and 736 SitePage nodes. Each page contains several images, sometimes as many as 20-25. Generally, all of the problems I’ve had in getting the site to function properly have been related to the images, but as I said, it was running as expected until the errors suddenly started to appear.
I’ve never run into this problem before and have run out of ideas that might resolve it. All of the suggestions I’ve found in googling, such as setting GATSBY_CPU_COUNT=1
, have failed to make any changes to the failed results.