Feature requests - what do you already love, what could be better?

Love the new option to delete deploys.

Feature request: Add an option to auto-delete deploy previews created from PRs when the PR is merged or the corresponding branch is deleted. That would save a ton of cleanup time.

Hi @Philippe_De_Ryck, glad to hear youā€™re enjoying the new deploy deletion functionality. Thanks for the feedback, the team is tracking your suggestion!

i hope i can use paypal for payment netlify

Feature request: Display structured JSON logs with some sensible UI. Being able to use fields from JSON logs in the log search would be useful too, though I appreciate this is a more complicated ask.

Presumably you have used the Cloudwatch logs and know the immense difference between viewing long lines of unformatted text versus viewing a nicely formatted json object, this is what I would expect from netlify logs. Currently when logging a json object it just is displayed as one long line and I have to copy and paste it to somewhere to format it.

Hey there, @donocode :wave:

Thanks for reaching out! I have sent your feedback to the Product team.

Feature Request: Displaying or offering the option to display all existing branches of a GitHub-linked repo in a drop-down style menu for the Production Branch field when None is selected under Branch Deploys.

The current functionality allows for manual entry only for the Production Branch field (when All or None are selected under Branch Deploys). When Let Me Add Individual Branches is selected, a drop-down menu is shown, but it isnā€™t pre-populated with existing branches. This option wouldnā€™t be useful for my particular workflow, as Iā€™m interested in deploying only one branch at any given time.

Thatā€™s definitely enough to get the job done, but after seeing and using it in the manner described in the opening paragraph (on a different platform), it seemed reasonable to ask if that could be implemented here.

I usually have 5 to 7 branches per repo, and that would be a tremendous help/time-saver, not having to type in the full branch name every time I wished to switch to a different one.

If the issue has to do with GitHub or Netlify api/permissions, I would be happy to modify those in order to help facilitate what Iā€™m asking for. Also, forgive me if this has been requested before. I tried searching for a related request but couldnā€™t find anything.


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Hey there, :wave:t6: ! Welcome to the forums. We appreciate the time you took leave this feature request. I passed it on to our Product team. (:

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Feature Request: I would love to be able to tell the builder about languages my site build doesnā€™t use.


I discovered recently that builds of my site were taking 5-10 seconds longer than necessary because the build was downloading ruby 2.7.1. I donā€™t use ruby at all in my build, but this version was silently pinned for consistency. I totally get why thatā€™s the default behaviour, but by opting out of it I can shave 25% of my build times off.

Yes, I could set the ruby version to be the same as the builder default, but Iā€™ll definitely forget to do that the next time the image changes!

Out of curiosity: How did you find out? What configuration did you use to tell the build not to download that Ruby version?

I discovered the issue in build logs. The logs said that ruby 2.7.1 was the read version from the environment. Since that version of ruby is not installed on the current build image, it has to download it. From there I found in the docs that when not explicitly set, the version is pinned to whatever the default value for an image was on first build.

The workaround is to explicitly set the RUBY_VERSION environment variable to whatever the pre-installed default is for the current build image. This is static though, so anytime the image is upgraded Iā€™ll have to change that.

Thanks for sharing this additional info @qubyte this will help other community members.

Anyone at Netlify? Is this being worked on? HTTP/3 seems to be an important next stap in the evolution of the HTTP protocol.

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Nothing interesting to share about HTTP3 right now, @Remzi.

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Hello Hillary, do you have any updates regarding this proposal?
Thank you very much.

None so far, and I donā€™t think anything will change there any time soon. You have Edge Functions now which should unlock a lot of possibilities.

Seconding @tbillingtonā€™s request for HTTP3

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I did a quick search and didnā€™t find anything, sorry if itā€™s already been suggested.

The most useful new feature imho would be a Netlify style message queue.

By Netlify style I mean super easy to setup, by putting a config file in a special folder or similar.

I just need a way to have a message queue from which I can manage background jobs. I donā€™t want to have to deal with AWS complexity.


Thank you for sharing @mjgs. Weā€™ll pass it on.

Iā€™m sure others have mentioned this but Iā€™d really like analytics to not show bot traffic. When Iā€™m looking at my analytics, it always shows every single page as being visited 2-4 times per day, and itā€™s hard for me to tell whether that means actual people are looking at it or not.

I understand this and I appreciate the feedback. At this time this is not in our immediate track. Iā€™d recommend you sync your sites with another analytics tools.