Please help!
My netlify site - - is not pulling my data when I request it from my server hosted on Railway. I keep getting a 404 error when this happens.
I have created a redirect to the railway site in a netlify.toml that sits in the root of my client/ subdirectory (both my backend and frontend are in the same main directory).
from = "/api/"
to = ""
status = 200
force = true
headers = {X-From = "Netlify"}
for ="/"
Access-Control-Allow-Origin = "*"
I checked the deploy logs and the .toml file and redirect has been loaded into the dist folder on build. Ive also double checked my route paths and everything else checks out.
Heres a link to my repo if that’ll help - GitHub - HaydnMeyburgh/personal-budget-planner: A REST API to track and add budget envelopes and transactions related to envelopes
and the screenshots of the console are included as well. Please help