Failed to handle signup webhook

I’m following this tutorial to build a simple login with email validation, but I’m stuck at the user signup step because I cannot verify my email address.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Fork/Clone this repo
  2. npm install (inside repo directory)
  3. ntl link
  4. ntl dev
  5. Click on Sign Up button
  6. Upon first using the form, it will ask you to set the site URL, so enter your Netlify site’s URL
  7. Copy token from verification email
  8. Open a new window or tab and enter http://localhost:8888/#confirmation_token=<token>



This tutorial was published three years ago, so has anything changed since regarding the implementation of Netlify Identity? It should be noted that their live demo works, so I’m not sure what’s going on.

@10basetom Have you tried looking through threads that mention the same error:

@nathanmartin After some troubleshooting, I found out the root cause was that I wasn’t returning the user object in my identity-signup response. However, I’ve encountered another issue, which I will post in a separate thread.