Ensure you’re using a valid API token with the correct permissions. You can generate a new personal access token as described in the Netlify CLI documentation.
Verify that the SITE_ID you’re using is correct. You can find this in your site settings in the Netlify UI.
Check if Identity is enabled for your site. You can do this by going to Site configuration > Identity in the Netlify UI, as mentioned in the Identity documentation.
Instead of using the undocumented endpoint, you might want to try using the /api/v1/user endpoint to retrieve user information. However, this endpoint returns information about the authenticated user, not all users of a site. Here’s an example:
Can anyone give me a way to export all the users and roles from a sites identity?
I am unable to add new users as the users endoint is throwing a 500 error.
Netlify support have said to me the following:
Netlify Identity is being formally deprecated, so although it remains possible to use the service, we are no longer able to support it. Identity remains a feature of Netlify - it won’t be taken away from existing websites.
It has been taken away. I am not able to use the service.
We are deprecating this feature to warn users like yourself that the feature may be buggy at times and it won’t be fixed beyond major security issues. If you are facing bugs with Identity that you can’t resolve, we recommend migrating to a different identity provider such as Auth0 by Okta.
As this won’t be formally announced until February, we don’t currently have public docs announcing this change.
I understand the service is not being supported but I am currently hosting a site on Netlify that sells products and users get access to these products via netlify identity. We are looking at moving to another identitiy service and therefore need to export the data from netlify identity and import the audience to the new service.
Please can someone let me know how we can export the netlify identity data?