Error when previewing published deploy


I have tried previewing one of my deployed published sites and i am getting a 404 page not found error message.

i read this thread ([Support Guide] I’ve deployed my site but I still see "Page not found”) and downloaded the document as instructed and can see the index.html file inside but i am still getting an error message. I am very new to all this so apologies if i have missed something very obvious.

Netlify site name:

I have tried to attached the downloaded zip file but i am unable to. Please let me know if there’s any other information you need. Thank you :slight_smile:

Hey there, @danjanebrooks :wave:

Could you share the repo of the project you’re trying to deploy? Thanks so much!

Hi, thanks for getting back to me. I’m sorry i’m really new to this, what is the repo? is that the zip file i download in the ‘preview deploy’ section?

Hi @danjanebrooks,

These are the files in your deploy:


You need to move all your files out of this folder: vanilla-weather-app/vanilla-weather-app at main · danjanebrooks/vanilla-weather-app · GitHub to the root of your GitHub repository.