{domain} or one of its subdomains is currently managed by Netlify DNS on another team

We have several sites on Netlify with custom domains following the pattern:

All owned by the same team. I went today to configure 2024.pycascades.com and got the error *pycascades.com* or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team.

I have since found this article: [Support Guide] "another site is using this domain" Verifying domain ownership for Netlify production domain, so I’ll create that TXT record once I’ve saved this post to get the link

Hi, are you trying to add this domain to the account that host these sites below?

If I remove this domain from the account it will take those sites down so I need to know if you are trying set up 2024.pycascades.com on a different netlify account from the sites above.

Thanks for getting back to me and for confirming this - yes, I’m trying to add 2024.pycascades.com to the account with these sites:
and I would like the existing sites to continue functioning. I don’t know of any other accounts or sites that should exist for pycascades.com on Netlify

The domain has been removed from the other account. Please add it to yours.