Domain already registered with another team

Hi, i wanted to link a newly bought domain to my Netlify App, now it said that it already is registered with another team.

I added a TXT Record saying “verified-for-netlify”, hope thats enough, otherwise please tell me what to do, so i can link it to the project.

Thanks and best regards! Enrico

@BikDikRik See this thread for the instructions:

You’re missing the Text/Value for the verified-for-netlify record.

Hey dear Support-Team,

I updated the TXT Record like that, hope its correct like that.

Thanks and best regards! Enrico

@BikDikRik According to the instructions the value should be the URL of this thread, so:

However even just the thread ID is actually enough, in this case 115700

It’s unique, didn’t exist until you created the thread, and can link back to this thread by appending it to e.g.

You’ve used the URL of the activity feed for your forum account.

Hi, thanks for the fast reply, Mr. Martin!

I changed the Value to the ThreadID 115700.

Hope its good now. Thanks and best regards!

Hi @BikDikRik,

Thanks for reaching out and creating the TXT record. The domain has been verified and you should now be able to use it on your site/account.