As far as I have understood from the related Netlify docs and blogs, like here for example, the capability to configure both options of password protection ( all deploys or non-production deploys only ) were part of the Core Pro plan. However, I have a site in a Core Pro team, and when try to configure it for non-production deploys only, it requires me to upgrade to Enterprise Plan. What am I missing here?
My workaround solution was to create two separate netlify sites: one that only deploys the main (production) branch of my github repo, and a second one that deploys a preprod branch as its production branch, plus some other branch-deploy branches (dev, stage, etc…).
This way, site #1 can be set as open (no password protection), while site #2 is kept behind a password wall. And it all works essentially the same as if it was just one site, since they are both deploying from the same repo.
In summary, as far as I can see, same results as provided by that Enterprise Pro feature can actually be accomplishe without it. It’s just a little bit more cumbersome. More over, same logic could even be extended to several sites, allowing for branch-specific passwords.
So my question here would then be: is there a logic behind Netlify no longer offering this?
Apologies if there’s an obvious point that I am just failing to see.
There are various Enterprise-only features that you could accomplish by some workarounds and development-hours. But Netlify’s pricing and feature matrix is based on value proposition. We feel that the if value offered to the users by a particular feature (not talking about the specific feature discussed in this thread, but in general) is Enterprise-level, we mark it only for Enterprise. Often times Enterprises would like to move fast and reduce their development workloads and configurations. They would focus on getting productive output from their devs and leave such features to the provider to develop and maintain. It’s easier for them that way.