Can anyone confirm Netlify CLI deploy message flag works when run alongside the trigger flag, please? It doesn’t seem to be working on my end.
The following variations trigger the build from main@HEAD on my repo but, I don’t get a deploy message. It just says, “No deploy message” on the Netlify Deploys listing page. And I’m not seeing a message in the logs, either ,but that’s just an aside, as I don’t know if messages end up in logs, either way:
netlify deploy --message "My Message" --trigger netlify deploy --trigger --message "Just a Message" netlify deploy --trigger --message="Just another Message" netlify deploy --trigger -m "And a Message"
Note: I’m running this through a Github Action (workflow) but, have run the commands directly from my local machine and nothing; no deploy message.
If you would like to have a message sent along with a trigger, you could change the issue you logged on GitHub and make it a feature request instead. The maintainers/contributors of the project could then evaluate it and possibly implement it in a future version.