Yesterday I posted a PR, committed to it twice, and got 3 successful deploys. Today I pushed another commit…and nothing. No attempted build preview deploy.
So I forked the repo from my organization account to my personal account, set up a new site, and it deployed correctly.
I then got it right and merged to main on my org account, which should trigger an automatic production deploy. Nothing happened.
So I triggered a deploy manually, and I finally got a build failure!
Failing build: Failed to prepare repo
Failed during stage 'preparing repo': error checking for ref: fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address
I am using a private org repo on the starter tier, which it says should continue working until Sept 30. Did Netlify push an update that broke that early?
App title: learn-digdeeproots-com
Build: default (use npm)…though I’m not getting that far.
Repo is on GitHub, connected using the Netlify GitHub app.