I have a mono repo with 2 websites. I use Nx for the monorepo, and Next.js for both website.
The folder structure is as such:
/apps/site1/… (src and next config)
/apps/site2/… (src and next config)
/dist/apps/site1/… (output of the nextjs build)
/dist/apps/site2/… (output of the nextjs build)
The website use SSR and i18n, so I cannot use the next export feature, so I build the sites with a classic next build (I’m sure it’s working since I was deploying that on my netlify account before migrating to mono repos).
Then I use netlify cli from the root of my monorepos, with a manual deployment such as:
netlify deploy --dir=dist/apps/site1 --site SITE-ID --auth AUTH-TOKEN --build --json
The problem is that netlify-cli only upload 2 files (in deployment ui history), and the url display a netlify message error like if no pages or nothing was deployed:
“Page Not Found
Looks like you’ve followed a broken link or entered a URL that doesn’t exist on this site.”
I’ve look for documentation about how to handle monorepo with next, but all I could find use netlify auto deployments, and not manual deployments with the CLI. Does anyone see where I messed up, or do you know of an example next mono-repo with netlify-cli commands example to deploy on manual deployed sites ?
Thank you,