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, built from GitHub - aserto-demo/peoplefinder-acmecorp
3 years ago, I followed the instructions at https://docs.netlify.com/site-deploys/create-deploys/#pre-fill-environment-variables to create a nice “deploy to netlify” experience which used to render nicely.
The behavior USED to be that the Netlify deploy UI would read the titles of each environment variable from netlify.toml (for example, FOO = “Set the value of FOO” would render the deploy to netlify page with an input with the title FOO (the name of the env var), and the placeholder text “Set the value of FOO”. And when a default value was passed in the URL (e.g. Netlify), the title would STILL render as “FOO”, and the placeholder value would now read “a cool foo”.
However, at some point in the not too distant past, the behavior has changed. If you pass in default values for these environment variables that are defined in netlify.toml, BOTH the title of the input AS WELL AS the placeholder text are set to the default value. So the title would be rendered as “A cool foo” and the placeholder text “a cool foo”, instead of the title being “FOO”.
This matters, because the user should see what the environment variables are actually called, and only the placeholder text should be overriden with the default value supplied in the URL.
This was how it used to be, but somehow the behavior has changed.
Any tips on getting the behavior I want? omri@aserto.com