I’m now getting a deploy failed while trying to build my site.
“Request path contains unescaped characters”.
My thinking is that some slug I’ve made contains some unruly character, or that I’ve added a space somewhere where it doesn’t belong, but I really don’t know where to look?
March 18, 2020, 3:36pm
can you paste or link us to your build log please?
7:03:18 PM: Build ready to start
7:03:24 PM: build-image version: 2dbd444fcdce00cf06325060a8238d5ae3e86774
7:03:24 PM: build-image tag: v3.3.7
7:03:24 PM: buildbot version: 11918e084194721d200458438c92ff8180b3b56c
7:03:24 PM: Fetching cached dependencies
7:03:24 PM: Starting to download cache of 98.0MB
7:03:25 PM: Finished downloading cache in 909.230521ms
7:03:25 PM: Starting to extract cache
7:03:28 PM: Finished extracting cache in 2.979393697s
7:03:28 PM: Finished fetching cache in 3.926952826s
7:03:28 PM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
7:03:28 PM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/master
7:03:29 PM: Starting build script
7:03:30 PM: Installing dependencies
7:03:30 PM: Started restoring cached node version
7:03:32 PM: Finished restoring cached node version
7:03:33 PM: Downloading and installing node v10.19.0...
7:03:33 PM: Downloading https://nodejs.org/dist/v10.19.0/node-v10.19.0-linux-x64.tar.xz...
7:03:33 PM:
7:03:33 PM: 45.0%
7:03:33 PM:
######################################################################## 100.0%
7:03:33 PM: Computing checksum with sha256sum
7:03:34 PM: Checksums matched!
7:03:36 PM: Now using node v10.19.0 (npm v6.13.4)
7:03:36 PM: Attempting ruby version 2.6.2, read from environment
7:03:38 PM: Using ruby version 2.6.2
7:03:38 PM: Using PHP version 5.6
7:03:38 PM: Started restoring cached node modules
7:03:38 PM: Finished restoring cached node modules
7:03:38 PM: Installing NPM modules using NPM version 6.13.4
7:03:41 PM: npm
7:03:41 PM: WARN TODO@0.0.1 No repository field.
7:03:41 PM: npm
7:03:41 PM: WARN TODO@0.0.1 No license field.
7:03:41 PM: audited 1605 packages in 1.787s
7:03:41 PM: 15 packages are looking for funding
7:03:41 PM: run `npm fund` for details
7:03:41 PM: found 3 moderate severity vulnerabilities
7:03:41 PM: run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
7:03:41 PM: NPM modules installed
7:03:41 PM: Started restoring cached go cache
7:03:41 PM: Finished restoring cached go cache
7:03:41 PM: unset GOOS;
7:03:41 PM: unset GOARCH;
7:03:41 PM: export GOROOT='/opt/buildhome/.gimme/versions/go1.12.linux.amd64';
7:03:41 PM: export PATH="/opt/buildhome/.gimme/versions/go1.12.linux.amd64/bin:${PATH}";
7:03:41 PM: go version >&2;
7:03:41 PM: export GIMME_ENV='/opt/buildhome/.gimme/env/go1.12.linux.amd64.env';
7:03:41 PM: go version go1.12 linux/amd64
7:03:41 PM: Installing missing commands
7:03:41 PM: Verify run directory
7:03:41 PM: Executing user command: npm run export
7:03:41 PM: > TODO@0.0.1 export /opt/build/repo
7:03:41 PM: > sapper export --legacy
7:03:42 PM: > Building...
7:03:47 PM: ┌──────────────┐
7:03:47 PM: │ built client │
7:03:47 PM: └──────────────┘
7:03:47 PM: 113 B client.814398c7.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/client.js
7:03:47 PM: 983 B Category.55187970.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/components/Category.svelte
7:03:47 PM: 1.42 kB Person.b68982fd.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/components/Person.svelte
7:03:47 PM: 3.18 kB index.9b4d96ac.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/routes/index.svelte
7:03:47 PM: 2.32 kB PeopleBooks.0f7b18c0.js
7:03:47 PM: │ src/components/Header.svelte (50.1%)
7:03:47 PM: └ src/components/PeopleBooks.svelte (49.9%)
7:03:47 PM: 1.72 kB Book.7b5b043c.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/components/Book.svelte
7:03:47 PM: 3.25 kB index.84d539dc.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/routes/fields/index.svelte
7:03:47 PM: 4.47 kB index.8253117d.js
7:03:47 PM: └ node_modules/svelte/internal/index.mjs
7:03:47 PM: 3.25 kB index.571f865a.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/routes/turing/index.svelte
7:03:47 PM: 132 kB _people.c71af264.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/routes/fields/_people.js
7:03:47 PM: 2.07 kB about.599c9540.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/routes/about.svelte
7:03:47 PM: 52.5 kB _people.7dd7fb78.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/routes/turing/_people.js
7:03:47 PM: 4.07 kB books.bb29fc5d.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/routes/fields/books.svelte
7:03:47 PM: 4.06 kB books.ff0dcaba.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/routes/turing/books.svelte
7:03:47 PM: 1.05 kB [slug].06118287.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/routes/blog/[slug].svelte
7:03:47 PM: 46.5 kB _people.c65a646f.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/routes/abel/_people.js
7:03:47 PM: 1.65 kB index.2f26a5f2.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/routes/blog/index.svelte
7:03:47 PM: 3.23 kB index.0bd0a7f7.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/routes/abel/index.svelte
7:03:47 PM: 4.05 kB books.52a2429f.js
7:03:47 PM: └ src/routes/abel/books.svelte
7:03:47 PM: 4.75 kB [slug].030176ad.js
7:03:47 PM: │ src/routes/[slug].svelte (68.9%)
7:03:47 PM: └ src/components/PersonalBook.svelte (31.1%)
7:03:47 PM: 14 kB app.add2e2e0.js
7:03:47 PM: │ src/node_modules/@sapper/app.mjs (36.7%)
7:03:47 PM: │ src/node_modules/@sapper/internal/App.svelte (22.3%)
7:03:47 PM: │ src/routes/_error.svelte (10.7%)
7:03:47 PM: │ src/components/Nav.svelte (10.4%)
7:03:47 PM: │ src/node_modules/@sapper/internal/manifest-client.mjs (7.7%)
7:03:47 PM: │ src/routes/_layout.svelte (7.1%)
7:03:47 PM: │ node_modules/svelte/store/index.mjs (5.0%)
7:03:47 PM: └ src/node_modules/@sapper/internal/shared.mjs (0.2%)
7:03:55 PM: ┌───────────────────────┐
7:03:55 PM: │ built client (legacy) │
7:03:55 PM: └───────────────────────┘
7:03:55 PM: 152 B client.3af58da2.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/client.js
7:03:55 PM: 1.18 kB Category.b6d79046.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/components/Category.svelte
7:03:55 PM: 2.64 kB PeopleBooks.899d218b.js
7:03:55 PM: │ src/components/PeopleBooks.svelte (50.1%)
7:03:55 PM: └ src/components/Header.svelte (49.9%)
7:03:55 PM: 1.64 kB Person.9383ecd3.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/components/Person.svelte
7:03:55 PM: 3.43 kB index.11d1bcb4.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/routes/index.svelte
7:03:55 PM: 4.43 kB books.affde910.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/routes/fields/books.svelte
7:03:55 PM: 3.5 kB index.f9efe13a.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/routes/fields/index.svelte
7:03:55 PM: 1.95 kB Book.aab009a5.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/components/Book.svelte
7:03:55 PM: 6.63 kB asyncToGenerator.b891231b.js
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js (96.4%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator.js (3.0%)
7:03:55 PM: │ commonjsHelpers.js (0.5%)
7:03:55 PM: └ node_modules/@babel/runtime/regenerator/index.js (0.1%)
7:03:55 PM: 7.72 kB index.9b546214.js
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/svelte/internal/index.mjs (69.6%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/wrapNativeSuper.js (4.8%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/construct.js (4.5%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/iterableToArrayLimit.js (3.3%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass.js (3.1%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inherits.js (2.3%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof.js (2.1%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/getPrototypeOf.js (1.2%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/arrayWithoutHoles.js (1.0%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/possibleConstructorReturn.js (1.0%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/setPrototypeOf.js (1.0%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/assertThisInitialized.js (1.0%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/iterableToArray.js (0.9%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck.js (0.9%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray.js (0.7%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toConsumableArray.js (0.6%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/nonIterableRest.js (0.6%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/nonIterableSpread.js (0.6%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/isNativeFunction.js (0.6%)
7:03:55 PM: └ node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/arrayWithHoles.js (0.4%)
7:03:55 PM: 2.21 kB about.9e0d058d.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/routes/about.svelte
7:03:55 PM: 132 kB _people.3b8d5b6a.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/routes/fields/_people.js
7:03:55 PM: 52.5 kB _people.6f8cefe5.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/routes/turing/_people.js
7:03:55 PM: 3.5 kB index.d1d2c6eb.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/routes/turing/index.svelte
7:03:55 PM: 4.42 kB books.509fed94.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/routes/turing/books.svelte
7:03:55 PM: 46.5 kB _people.c84f53b6.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/routes/abel/_people.js
7:03:55 PM: 1.89 kB index.dcc47ba5.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/routes/blog/index.svelte
7:03:55 PM: 3.5 kB index.413d51c2.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/routes/abel/index.svelte
7:03:55 PM: 1.59 kB [slug].b8346704.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/routes/blog/[slug].svelte
7:03:55 PM: 4.42 kB books.96959e63.js
7:03:55 PM: └ src/routes/abel/books.svelte
7:03:55 PM: 5.58 kB [slug].6fd0017b.js
7:03:55 PM: │ src/routes/[slug].svelte (68.2%)
7:03:55 PM: └ src/components/PersonalBook.svelte (31.8%)
7:03:55 PM: 17.2 kB app.970dfa8f.js
7:03:55 PM: │ src/node_modules/@sapper/app.mjs (45.6%)
7:03:55 PM: │ src/node_modules/@sapper/internal/App.svelte (19.0%)
7:03:55 PM: │ src/routes/_error.svelte (9.5%)
7:03:55 PM: │ src/components/Nav.svelte (9.2%)
7:03:55 PM: │ src/routes/_layout.svelte (6.7%)
7:03:55 PM: │ src/node_modules/@sapper/internal/manifest-client.mjs (6.5%)
7:03:55 PM: │ node_modules/svelte/store/index.mjs (3.5%)
7:03:55 PM: └ src/node_modules/@sapper/internal/shared.mjs (0.2%)
7:03:56 PM: ┌──────────────┐
7:03:56 PM: │ built server │
7:03:56 PM: └──────────────┘
7:03:56 PM: 379 kB server.js
7:03:56 PM: │ src/routes/_people.js (71.7%)
7:03:56 PM: │ src/node_modules/@sapper/server.mjs (25.9%)
7:03:56 PM: │ src/routes/blog/_posts.js (1.3%)
7:03:56 PM: │ src/node_modules/@sapper/internal/manifest-server.mjs (0.7%)
7:03:56 PM: │ src/routes/[slug].json.js (0.1%)
7:03:56 PM: │ src/routes/blog/[slug].json.js (0.1%)
7:03:56 PM: │ src/server.js (0.1%)
7:03:56 PM: └ src/routes/blog/index.json.js (0.1%)
7:03:56 PM: 3.66 kB index-fbb0bf60.js
7:03:56 PM: └ node_modules/svelte/internal/index.mjs
7:03:56 PM: 3.55 kB Category-2e354424.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/components/Category.svelte
7:03:56 PM: 7.22 kB index-becc1aad.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/routes/index.svelte
7:03:56 PM: 7.19 kB Person-0eda660a.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/components/Person.svelte
7:03:56 PM: 28.6 kB PeopleBooks-ddcc93f2.js
7:03:56 PM: │ src/node_modules/@sapper/app.mjs (29.4%)
7:03:56 PM: │ src/components/Nav.svelte (18.0%)
7:03:56 PM: │ src/node_modules/@sapper/internal/manifest-client.mjs (10.9%)
7:03:56 PM: │ src/components/Header.svelte (9.6%)
7:03:56 PM: │ src/components/PeopleBooks.svelte (8.3%)
7:03:56 PM: │ src/routes/_error.svelte (7.0%)
7:03:56 PM: │ node_modules/svelte/store/index.mjs (6.0%)
7:03:56 PM: │ src/routes/_layout.svelte (5.6%)
7:03:56 PM: │ src/node_modules/@sapper/internal/App.svelte (5.0%)
7:03:56 PM: └ src/node_modules/@sapper/internal/shared.mjs (0.2%)
7:03:56 PM: 157 kB _people-078b8571.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/routes/fields/_people.js
7:03:56 PM: 6.61 kB index-03fd56a3.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/routes/fields/index.svelte
7:03:56 PM: 7.95 kB Book-4f9a15f3.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/components/Book.svelte
7:03:56 PM: 6.9 kB books-9b0f1bee.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/routes/fields/books.svelte
7:03:56 PM: 56.5 kB _people-ef37cd1a.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/routes/turing/_people.js
7:03:56 PM: 6.61 kB index-aba039a8.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/routes/turing/index.svelte
7:03:56 PM: 6.9 kB books-833c3bb0.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/routes/turing/books.svelte
7:03:56 PM: 2.61 kB about-d8c1be5d.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/routes/about.svelte
7:03:56 PM: 57.5 kB _people-e30009a1.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/routes/abel/_people.js
7:03:56 PM: 6.56 kB index-1d401db5.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/routes/abel/index.svelte
7:03:56 PM: 6.93 kB books-ba76936f.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/routes/abel/books.svelte
7:03:56 PM: 1.97 kB index-f77670a8.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/routes/blog/index.svelte
7:03:56 PM: 3.55 kB [slug]-1383c472.js
7:03:56 PM: └ src/routes/blog/[slug].svelte
7:03:56 PM: 15.9 kB [slug]-b4c62efa.js
7:03:56 PM: │ src/routes/[slug].svelte (56.8%)
7:03:56 PM: └ src/components/PersonalBook.svelte (43.2%)
7:03:56 PM: ┌─────────────────────┐
7:03:56 PM: │ built serviceworker │
7:03:56 PM: └─────────────────────┘
7:03:56 PM: 25.6 kB service-worker.js
7:03:56 PM: │ src/node_modules/@sapper/service-worker.js (92.0%)
7:03:56 PM: └ src/service-worker.js (8.0%)
7:03:56 PM: > Built in 14.7s
7:03:57 PM: > Crawling http://localhost:3000/
7:03:57 PM: 3.18 kB index.html
7:03:57 PM: 2.46 kB about/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 11 kB abel//index.html
7:03:57 PM: 25.5 kB turing//index.html
7:03:57 PM: 33.1 kB fields//index.html
7:03:57 PM: 972 B gregory-margulis.json
7:03:57 PM: 467 B hillel-furstenberg.json
7:03:57 PM: 1.83 kB karen-uhlenbeck.json
7:03:57 PM: 1.07 kB robert-langlands.json
7:03:57 PM: 2.26 kB yves-meyer.json
7:03:57 PM: 3.11 kB louis-nirenberg.json
7:03:57 PM: 791 B john-nash.json
7:03:57 PM: 4.66 kB gregory-margulis/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 3.45 kB hillel-furstenberg/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 5.07 kB robert-langlands/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 6.98 kB karen-uhlenbeck/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 7.83 kB yves-meyer/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 10.6 kB louis-nirenberg/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 4.11 kB john-nash/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 3.66 kB yakov-sinai.json
7:03:57 PM: 2.03 kB pierre-deligne.json
7:03:57 PM: 6.51 kB john-milnor.json
7:03:57 PM: 2.46 kB john-tate.json
7:03:57 PM: 1.21 kB mikhail-gromov.json
7:03:57 PM: 1.05 kB jacques-badword.json
7:03:57 PM: 1.88 kB s-r-varadhan.json
7:03:57 PM: 788 B lennart-carleson.json
7:03:57 PM: 11.7 kB yakov-sinai/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 7.17 kB pierre-deligne/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 7.96 kB john-tate/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 5.13 kB mikhail-gromov/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 4.81 kB jacques-badword/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 4.29 kB lennart-carleson/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 6.9 kB s-r-varadhan/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 77.3 kB abel/books//index.html
7:03:57 PM: 18.6 kB john-milnor/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 3.26 kB peter-lax.json
7:03:57 PM: 23 B (404) michael-atiyahl.json
7:03:57 PM: 8.62 kB jean-pierre-serre.json
7:03:57 PM: 1.29 kB yoshua-bengio.json
7:03:57 PM: 997 B david-patterson.json
7:03:57 PM: 2.56 kB john-hennessy.json
7:03:57 PM: 714 B tim-berners-lee.json
7:03:57 PM: 1.81 kB (404) michael-atiyahl/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 10.3 kB peter-lax/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 4.72 kB david-patterson/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 5.5 kB yoshua-bengio/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 3.94 kB tim-berners-lee/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 8.46 kB john-hennessy/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 23.3 kB jean-pierre-serre/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 861 B whitfield-diffie.json
7:03:57 PM: 860 B martin-hellman.json
7:03:57 PM: 1.57 kB michael-stonebraker.json
7:03:57 PM: 1.03 kB leslie-lamport.json
7:03:57 PM: 681 B shafi-goldwasser.json
7:03:57 PM: 1.58 kB judea-pearl.json
7:03:57 PM: 1.21 kB leslie-valiant.json
7:03:57 PM: 1.19 kB barbara-liskov.json
7:03:57 PM: 70.9 kB turing/books//index.html
7:03:57 PM: 4.24 kB whitfield-diffie/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 4.24 kB martin-hellman/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 6.26 kB michael-stonebraker/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 4.77 kB leslie-lamport/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 3.88 kB shafi-goldwasser/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 6.28 kB judea-pearl/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 5.13 kB leslie-valiant/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 5.09 kB barbara-liskov/index.html
7:03:57 PM: 1.17 kB edmund-clarke.json
7:03:57 PM: 878 B peter-naur.json
7:03:57 PM: 829 B leonard-adleman.json
7:03:57 PM: 724 B adi-shamir.json
7:03:57 PM: 634 B ronald-rivest.json
7:03:57 PM: 694 B kristen-nygaard.json
7:03:57 PM: 1.37 kB frederick-brooks.json
7:03:57 PM: 905 B jim-gray.json
7:03:58 PM: 5.06 kB edmund-clarke/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 4.7 kB peter-naur/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 3.96 kB adi-shamir/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 4.38 kB leonard-adleman/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 3.9 kB kristen-nygaard/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 3.79 kB ronald-rivest/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 5.67 kB frederick-brooks/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 4.53 kB jim-gray/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 1.05 kB amir-pnueli.json
7:03:58 PM: 1.89 kB edward-feigenbaum.json
7:03:58 PM: 469 B juris-hartmanis.json
7:03:58 PM: 569 B butler-lampson.json
7:03:58 PM: 2.53 kB robin-milner.json
7:03:58 PM: 980 B fernando-corbato.json
7:03:58 PM: 618 B ivan-sutherland.json
7:03:58 PM: 724 B john-cocke.json
7:03:58 PM: 4.82 kB amir-pnueli/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 6.9 kB edward-feigenbaum/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 3.46 kB juris-hartmanis/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 3.66 kB butler-lampson/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 8.38 kB robin-milner/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 4.68 kB fernando-corbato/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 3.75 kB ivan-sutherland/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 3.96 kB john-cocke/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 561 B robert-tarjan.json
7:03:58 PM: 1.83 kB john-hopcroft.json
7:03:58 PM: 1.65 kB niklaus-wirth.json
7:03:58 PM: 655 B dennis-ritchie.json
7:03:58 PM: 512 B stephen-cook.json
7:03:58 PM: 1.06 kB edgar-codd.json
7:03:58 PM: 544 B kenneth-iverson.json
7:03:58 PM: 920 B robert-floyd.json
7:03:58 PM: 3.64 kB robert-tarjan/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 6.97 kB john-hopcroft/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 7.04 kB niklaus-wirth/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 3.83 kB dennis-ritchie/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 3.55 kB stephen-cook/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 4.84 kB edgar-codd/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 3.61 kB kenneth-iverson/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 4.36 kB robert-floyd/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 791 B herbert-simon.json
7:03:58 PM: 1.06 kB allen-newell.json
7:03:58 PM: 3.56 kB donald-knuth.json
7:03:58 PM: 1.9 kB edsger-dijkstra.json
7:03:58 PM: 904 B james-wilkinson.json
7:03:58 PM: 2.8 kB marvin-minsky.json
7:03:58 PM: 3.12 kB richard-hamming.json
7:03:58 PM: 1.38 kB maurice-wilkes.json
7:03:58 PM: 4.3 kB herbert-simon/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 4.85 kB allen-newell/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 11.2 kB donald-knuth/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 6.92 kB edsger-dijkstra/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 4.33 kB james-wilkinson/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 9.32 kB marvin-minsky/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 9.97 kB richard-hamming/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 5.47 kB maurice-wilkes/index.html
7:03:58 PM: 996 B akshay-venkatesh.json
7:03:58 PM: 1.39 kB peter-scholze.json
7:03:58 PM: 3.04 kB alessio-figalli.json
7:03:58 PM: 609 B caucher-birkar.json
7:03:58 PM: 1.55 kB martin-hairer.json
7:03:58 PM: 984 B manjul-bhargava.json
7:03:58 PM: 460 B artur-avila.json
7:03:58 PM: > Request path contains unescaped characters
7:03:58 PM: npm
7:03:58 PM: ERR! code
7:03:58 PM: npm
7:03:58 PM: ERR! errno
7:03:58 PM: 1
7:03:58 PM: npm
7:03:58 PM: ERR! TODO@0.0.1 export: `sapper export --legacy`
7:03:58 PM: npm ERR!
7:03:58 PM: Exit status 1
7:03:58 PM: npm
7:03:58 PM: ERR!
7:03:58 PM: npm
7:03:58 PM: ERR!
7:03:58 PM: Failed at the TODO@0.0.1 export script.
7:03:58 PM: npm
7:03:58 PM: ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
7:03:58 PM: npm
7:03:58 PM: ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
7:03:58 PM: npm
7:03:58 PM: ERR! /opt/buildhome/.npm/_logs/2020-03-18T17_03_58_245Z-debug.log
7:03:58 PM: Skipping functions preparation step: no functions directory set
7:03:58 PM: Caching artifacts
7:03:58 PM: Started saving node modules
7:03:58 PM: Finished saving node modules
7:03:58 PM: Started saving pip cache
7:03:58 PM: Finished saving pip cache
7:03:58 PM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
7:03:58 PM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
7:03:58 PM: Started saving maven dependencies
7:03:58 PM: Finished saving maven dependencies
7:03:58 PM: Started saving boot dependencies
7:03:58 PM: Finished saving boot dependencies
7:03:58 PM: Started saving go dependencies
7:03:58 PM: Finished saving go dependencies
7:04:02 PM: Error running command: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 1
7:04:02 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site
7:04:02 PM: failed during stage 'building site': Build script returned non-zero exit code: 1
7:04:02 PM: Finished processing build request in 38.099458975s
Is that what you’re looking for? And thanks for helping!
March 18, 2020, 5:53pm
yes, that is what i was looking for.
So this error:
7:03:58 PM: > Request path contains unescaped characters
is the first thing to address. It indicates that there are some paths that have characters in them that are causing problems. i did a quick scan through your log and noticed this:
7:03:57 PM: 77.3 kB abel/books//index.html
and there are a handful more where the path strangely contains two slashes.
I’m not 100% sure about this, but I am wondering if this is causing the problem.
Does this error occur locally as well?
No, everything works fine locally.
I don’t believe I’ve even touched abel/books.svelte which presumably is responsible for creating abel/books/index.html since the last deploy which was successful (and abel/books was working fine).
I went back and looked at the last successful build and I can find the double slashes there, as well:
2:07:27 PM: > Crawling http://localhost:3000/
2:07:27 PM: 2.77 kB index.html
2:07:27 PM: 2.46 kB about/index.html
2:07:27 PM: 9.9 kB abel//index.html
2:07:27 PM: 25.5 kB turing//index.html
2:07:27 PM: 75.9 kB abel/books//index.html
2:07:27 PM: 70.9 kB turing/books//index.html
I now realise I might have misunderstood this question. You’re asking if it builds the paths with double slashes locally as well?
Ugh, turns out I had the problem locally as well - sorry for the trouble!
Didn’t have the problem running it regularly, but once I exported it to static that’s where the trouble came.
Thanks & sorry!
March 19, 2020, 5:07pm
interesting - have you found a way to fix the underlying problem?
In the slugs I had ngô-bảo-châu and it didn’t like that. Changed to ngo-bao-chau. Don’t know why it was a problem only when exporting to static, though.
Still don’t know about the double slashes, but they don’t seem to be causing any trouble.
Thanks again, Perry.
March 19, 2020, 5:12pm
awesome! glad is working now =D