Deploy failed - Prismic gatsby starter

I need advice to debug deploy Netlify App

Would it be possible to know what went wrong with my deployement? I’m not an engineer and I can’t fully understand what happens when I stop running my website locally and I run it on Netifly.

Many thanks in advance for the help!


hey @matteo-dirollo,

the problem is undeniably this line:

12:59:43 PM: error "gatsby-source-prismic" threw an error while running the sourceNodes lifecycle:
12:59:43 PM: Unexpected status code [401] on URL
12:59:43 PM: not finished source and transform nodes - 0.254s

You are missing some kind of access token here. I can’t tell you exactly how to fix it, but this is the source of your error. Do you need to have the access token in an environment variable, maybe?