Custom localised 404 page not working


I’ve followed the documentation Redirect options | Netlify Docs but by custom localised 404 pages are not working.

My _redirects file looks like this:

/about /en/about  301
/about.html  /en/about  301
/a-propos  /fr/about  301
/a-propos.html  /fr/about  301
/portfolio  /en/projects  301
/portfolio.html  /en/projects  301
/portfolio-fr  /fr/projects  301
/portfolio-fr.html  /fr/projects  301
/contact  /en/contact  301
/contact.html  /en/contact  301
/contactez-nous  /fr/contact  301
/contactez-nous.html  /fr/contact  301
/*  /en/:splat  301
/*  /fr/:splat  301  Language=fr
/  /en  301
/  /fr  301  Language=fr
/en/*  /en/404.html  404
/fr/*  /fr/404.html  404

Whilst exists, takes me to the default Netlify 404 page. The same goes for the Netlify domain

Any ideas where I’m going wrong?


Hi, @edge-dimension, and welcome to our Netlify community site.

Both the custom 404s are working now when I test. Does it work for you now also? Did you change something in the meantime? Which deploy didn’t work?