I’ve been using Lighthouse to analyze the performance of my website and I noticed that the netlify subdomain is on average 450ms faster than my custom domain ( looking at firstContentfulPaint ).
Did I do something wrong? Or is there something I could to in order to have the custom domain as fast as the netlify one?
I would really appreciate it if you could have a look at my setup.
My netlify subdomain: awesome-shannon-275212.netlify.app
My custom domain: ecsspert.com
Here is the dump from Lighthouse:
url: ‘https:// awesome-shannon-275212.netlify .app/’,
finalUrl: ‘https:// awesome-shannon-275212.netlify .app/’,
lighthouseScore: 1,
accessibilityScore: 1,
firstContentfulPaint: 929.5550000000001,
firstMeaningfulPaint: 929.5550000000001,
speedIndex: 1325.210149971962,
diagnostics: {
numRequests: 2,
numScripts: 1,
numStylesheets: 0,
numFonts: 0,
numTasks: 90,
numTasksOver10ms: 1,
numTasksOver25ms: 1,
numTasksOver50ms: 1,
numTasksOver100ms: 0,
numTasksOver500ms: 0,
rtt: 171.26799999999997,
throughput: 11202537.392609084,
maxRtt: 171.26799999999997,
maxServerLatency: 8.555000000000064,
totalByteWeight: 6181,
totalTaskTime: 110.721,
mainDocumentTransferSize: 2969
rank: 1,
performanceRank: 1,
accessibilityRank: 3,
axe: { passes: 65, violations: 1 }
url: ‘https:// ecsspert .com/’,
finalUrl: ‘https:// ecsspert .com/’,
lighthouseScore: 1,
accessibilityScore: 1,
firstContentfulPaint: 1393.505,
firstMeaningfulPaint: 1393.505,
speedIndex: 1808.0902500183583,
diagnostics: {
numRequests: 4,
numScripts: 1,
numStylesheets: 0,
numFonts: 0,
numTasks: 115,
numTasksOver10ms: 1,
numTasksOver25ms: 1,
numTasksOver50ms: 1,
numTasksOver100ms: 0,
numTasksOver500ms: 0,
rtt: 12.131,
throughput: 10424902.677192906,
maxRtt: 167.541,
maxServerLatency: 7.275000000000034,
totalByteWeight: 6698,
totalTaskTime: 123.90000000000005,
mainDocumentTransferSize: 2938
rank: 2,
performanceRank: 2,
accessibilityRank: 1,
axe: { passes: 65, violations: 1 }
url: ‘https:// www.ecsspert .com/’,
finalUrl: ‘https:// ecsspert .com/’,
lighthouseScore: 1,
accessibilityScore: 1,
firstContentfulPaint: 1534.362,
firstMeaningfulPaint: 1534.362,
speedIndex: 1937.0385000243664,
diagnostics: {
numRequests: 5,
numScripts: 1,
numStylesheets: 0,
numFonts: 0,
numTasks: 113,
numTasksOver10ms: 1,
numTasksOver25ms: 1,
numTasksOver50ms: 1,
numTasksOver100ms: 0,
numTasksOver500ms: 0,
rtt: 165.08499999999998,
throughput: 16942480.930529207,
maxRtt: 165.08499999999998,
maxServerLatency: 4.362000000000023,
totalByteWeight: 6286,
totalTaskTime: 130.28,
mainDocumentTransferSize: 2783
rank: 3,
performanceRank: 3,
axe: { passes: 65, violations: 1 },
accessibilityRank: 2